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3 Best Animal Idioms for IELTS Speaking

Using idioms in your IELTS speaking is the key to an outstanding performance! Try learning the idioms based on animals now!

Aspiring to stand out of the crowd in the IELTS Speaking test? 

Try using ‘Animal idioms!’ They’re fun, and engaging, to show off your natural English skills. 

Here are three to get you started!🥳

Idiom 1

A fish out of water

Meaning: Feeling uncomfortable or out of place in a particular situation or environment.

Idiom 1

A fish out of water

E.g. in IELTS Speaking: "When I first moved to the city for my studies, I felt like a fish out of water because I had always lived in the countryside."

Idiom 2

The elephant in the room

Meaning: A big issue or problem that everyone is aware of but no one wants to talk about.

Idiom 2

The elephant in the room

E.g. in IELTS Speaking: "During the family meeting, the topic of Grandpa's will was the elephant in the room that nobody dared to address."

Idiom 3

Let the cat out of the bag

Meaning: To reveal a secret or disclose something accidentally that was supposed to be kept confidential.

Idiom 3

Let the cat out of the bag

E.g. in IELTS Speaking: "I accidentally let the cat out of the bag about their surprise party; I didn't realize it was supposed to be a secret."

It was fun! wasn’t it?🥳 

Learn more idioms like these to ace your IELTS speaking with us today!