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5 Common Expressions in English

Enhance your IELTS Vocabulary with some interesting expressions in English!
You'll undoubtedly encounter your fair share of English idioms, phrases, and proverbs when studying.
You may initially find them unusual, especially if you focus on their literal meanings, but you'll quickly see that they have a significant role in the English language.
Expressions and idioms improve the depth and humour of our interactions.
English idioms should not be regarded literally because they often have a metaphorical meaning.
English idioms might be challenging to comprehend at first, especially if you're learning the language.
But if you want to sound more native, you need to understand how to use them. Let’s look at some common English expressions now!
break the ice - get the conversation going

let the cat out of the bag - reveal a secret

beat around the bush - avoid talking about what is important
get wind of something - hear a rumour about something

wrap your head around something - understand something complicated
You'll have a far better understanding of the English language once you become familiar with this list of idioms and proverbs.
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