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A Guide to Vocabulary Expansion for IELTS Speaking

Worried about the ways to learn a wide range of words to stand out of the crowd in your IELTS speaking exam? Read ahead!

Expanding your vocabulary is crucial for success in the IELTS Speaking test. So let us guide you on how to do it without hassle!🥳

Read Widely!📚

Explore diverse topics in newspapers, magazines, and online articles to learn and note down new words regularly.

Use Vocabulary Apps!📱

Use apps like Quizlet or Memrise to learn words in a context.

Practice Speaking!🗣️

Engage in conversations with peers or tutors, and use the newly learned vocabulary to make it into a natural usage.

By consistently implementing these tips into your study routine, you'll enhance your vocabulary and ace the IELTS Speaking test!🤩💯

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Join our FREE online webinars to boost your vocabulary and crack IELTS speaking in no time!😎