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Common Capitalization Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Writing.

Understanding Capitalization: Essential Guidance and Expert Tips to Improve Your IELTS Writing Skills by Avoiding Common Errors and Mastering Key Techniques.
Do you know many candidates forget to capitalize proper nouns in their IELTS writing?
Are you making the same mistakes? Let's tackle capitalization together and boost your score!
Mistake #1
Capitalizing job titles when they come after a name:
1.John Smith, manager (incorrect)
2.John Smith, Manager (correct)
Mistake #2
Capitalizing titles of creative works when used in a general sense: a great novel (correct)

The Great Novel (incorrect - refers to a specific work).
Slide 4: Mistake #3
Capitalizing days of the week, months, and seasons, unless they are part of a proper noun: Friday, summer (lowercase) Labor Day (uppercase).
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Tip #1
Don't capitalize unnecessary words for emphasis. Exclamation points and bold text are better options.
Only capitalize job titles when they come directly before a name (Dr. Jones).
Tip #3
Be mindful of internet abbreviations and acronyms.
 The UN (correct) the Wifi (incorrect).
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