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Common Topics for IELTS Vocabulary

Do you wish to improve your vocabulary for IELTS? Find out some useful & common topics in this story.
Health is one of the common topics in vocabulary. You can use words like 'a balanced diet', 'catch a cold', 'work out', etc.
Education is important in our lives as well as in IELTS. In terms of academic topics, you can use words such as coursework, assignment, fellowship, etc
It is a common topic in IELTS vocabulary as they are vital for communication. You can use words like confident, reliable, disrespectful, inspiring, etc.
The increase in crime has come to the forefront of most discussions. Some common words are abduction, burglary, hijacking, mugging, vandalism, etc.
For this topic, you can expand your vocabulary by using words like habitat, biodiversity, ecosystem, endangered, vegetation, etc.
Energy & Environment
Apart from the ones mentioned, there are several other common topics for IELTS vocabulary.
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