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Fundamental of Irregular Verbs with Examples

In this story, we'll learn about some important irregular verbs in detail. So, let's begin!
As the name suggests, irregular verbs are verbs that have a unique past tense and past participle forms.
As they are all a little bit different, irregular verbs are one of the most challenging parts of the modern English language.
While the past and past participle form of a regular verb, 'call' is 'called', the one for an irregular verb, 'sleep' is 'slept'.
Now let us check out some more examples of irregular verbs.
Base: become

Simple Past Tense: became

Past Participle: become

Base: sing

Simple Past Tense: sang

Past Participle: sung
Base: be

Present Tense: am, is, are

Simple Past Participle: was, were

Past Participle: been
Strong vs. weak verbs:

Strong verbs change their vowels in the past tense.

Weak verbs keep their vowel the same in the past tense.
Have a look at some of the irregular verbs:

'arise', 'awake', 'beat', 'begin', 'come', 'deal', 'eat', 'flee', 'fly', 'go', 'have', 'let', etc.
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