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How to Create a Proper Study Plan For IELTS Reading?

Want to ace the IELTS Reading test? Crafting a solid study plan is key to your success.
Creating a study plan for IELTS Reading is key to your success. Let's walk through some pro tips to create an effective schedule.
First, know the test format!
IELTS Reading has:
  • 40 questions
  • 3 passages
  • Varies in length & topic
Second, set a study schedule!
Plan for at least 2-3 months of prep. Aim for 1-2 hrs daily with more time on weekends. Schedule practice tests too.
Third, find reputable resources!
Use official IELTS prep books for strategies. Read magazines, and newspapers daily. Watch BBC/CNN for listening.
Fourth, master vocabulary!
Make flashcards for unfamiliar words. Learn word families and pre/suffixes. Read English books and blogs.
There you have it, friends! You've got this. Now go rock that test!

To get a customized study plan for IELTS Reading that is suitable for you, drop us a line!