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How to master pronunciation?

Facing issues with pronunciation? Find some useful tips in this story.
In the IELTS Speaking test, the pronunciation's role is explicit. It carries 25% of the marks.
A syllable is a unit of pronunciation that has one vowel sound with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word.
Use Syllables
"For example: one syllable: wreck two syllables: wa-ter three syllables: beau-ti-ful four syllables: cham-pi-on-ship"
It is the sound of the spoken language. It is the smallest unit of sound that distinguishes one word from another.
Use Phoneme
"For example: three phonemes – /r/e/k/ four phonemes – w/a/t/er"
It is the smallest meaningful contrastive unit in a writing system. They can be simply called the written equivalent of phonemes.
Use Graphemes
When we say something, we tend to utter certain words or syllables with force (stress) to focus in something. There are two types of stress.
Use Stress
To understand more about how you can master pronunciation, click this link below.