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Idiom of the day: That's the Last Straw

Explore the idiomatic expression "That's the last straw" through a captivating webstory that delves into its origins, meaning, and practical usage, with precise data and engaging storytelling.
"That's the last straw!" Have you ever found yourself uttering these words while stressed out? This common idiom signifies the final tipping point before a situation becomes intolerable.
The idiom's origins date back to the 1800s, when a single straw added to a heavily loaded camel's back would break it, symbolizing the final burden that pushes one over the edge.
Everyday Use
In everyday use, "That's the last straw" implies reaching the limit of one's patience or tolerance due to a series of frustrating events or circumstances.
After the third time your neighbor's dog dug up your garden, you exclaimed, "That's the last straw! I'm filing a complaint." The repeated incidents led to your final decision..
Alternate Use
The idiom is often used to convey a sense of finality, indicating that one has reached the end of their rope and can no longer endure or accept a particular situation.
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