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IELTS Idiom of the Day: It's Not Rocket Science

Discover the meaning and usage of the idiom "It's not rocket science" with examples and explanations. Learn English idioms effortlessly through this conversational web story designed for IELTS students.
Hey there! Are you ready to explore a new English idiom today?

Today's phrase is "It's not rocket science." Don't worry, it's not as complex as it sounds!
This idiom means that something is not overly complicated to understand. It's used to suggest that a task or concept is straightforward and easy to grasp.
For example, you could say, "Baking a cake is not rocket science. Just follow the recipe, and you'll be fine." It implies that baking a cake is a simple process.
Example 1
"Setting up your new email account is not rocket science. Just enter your details, and you're good to go." Here, it emphasizes the ease of the task.
Example 2
The idiom originated from the idea that rocket science is a highly complex and advanced field, requiring extensive knowledge and expertise.
So, next time someone tries to make something seem more complicated than it is, you can confidently respond, "It's not rocket science!" and clarify that it's straightforward.
Situational Use
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