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IELTS Listening: Understanding Different Accents and Pronunciations

Ready to embrace the nuances of diverse accents of IELTS Listening? Flip through!
 Understanding diverse accents and pronunciations is the key to success!
Ready to Ace your IELTS Listening Test?
IELTS Listening accents are widely varied compared to many other English exams,

With Speakers from:

the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and North America.
While these countries are known for a wide variety of accents,

IELTS Listening only focuses on the “neutral” or “standard” accents of native English!

Pro Tip: 

Create a language-rich environment by listening to native speakers

and engaging in conversations to enhance your listening skills naturally! 

Radio Resources to Enhance Your Listening!

  • ABC Radio from Australia
  • CBC Radio from Canada
  • BBC Radio from the UK

  • Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity (British accent)
  • Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are (North American accent)
  • Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology (Indian accent)
Video Resources to Enhance Your Listening!
Youtube and TED talks are great educational resources.

TED Speakers come from many different countries, and often the talks have transcripts!
Excited in Upskilling Your IELTS Listening?

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