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IELTS Power Verb Series - Words to Replace "Make"

Check out this story to discover a treasury of potent verbs that will enable you to replace the boring “make” and transform your writing.
Power verbs are strong and action-oriented verbs that convey a sense of accomplishment, impact, and enthusiasm.

These are quite helpful in elevating your IELTS writing and speaking score.
However, using the same words repeatedly can be quite monotonous and affect your IELTS score.

So, we will learn some alternatives for the power verb - make!
Let’s make it fruitful!
  • Assemble 
  • Compose 
  • Design 
  • Create 
  • Develop
Some power verbs you can use instead of 'make' are:
That’s not enough!
Wait for some more😉!
  • Devise 
  • Formulate 
  • Produce 
  • Establish 
  • Generate
You can also use these verbs to swap the boring “make”:
Let's look at how power verbs can make a sentence more impactful,a one by one!
The team assembled a new marketing campaign that surpassed all previous efforts in terms of reach and impact.
The writer composed an engaging article that captured the attention of the readers.
I designed the new product packaging to be more visually appealing and user-friendly.
I created a comprehensive marketing strategy that resulted in a 50% increase in sales revenue for the company.
The planning committee will devise a plan for the Annual programme.
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