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Listening for Inference - IELTS

Unlock the power of inference by learning to read between the lines. This web story explores how listening for deeper meaning beyond literal words can enhance communication.
Importance of Inference
The words we say aren't always what we truly mean. Effective communication requires listening for inference - the art of decoding hidden meanings.
In a study, only 7% of meaning was derived from words alone. 38% came from tone of voice, and a staggering 55% was conveyed through body language.
Inference allows us to grasp the context, emotions, and intentions behind spoken words. It's the key to truly understanding others and being understood.
For example, when your friend says, 'I'm fine,' with a forced smile and downcast eyes, you can infer they may be feeling anything but 'fine.’
Cultural Differences
Cultural differences can also impact inference. In some cultures, direct confrontation is avoided, so implications must be carefully interpreted.
Active listening techniques, such as paraphrasing and asking clarifying questions, can help ensure you're accurately inferring the intended message.
So, the next time you're in a conversation, listen to the words and the underlying meaning – you might be surprised at what you infer.

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