An excess of choices can confuse. We have created a list of the best IELTS reading materials in this story to help you.
We have divided the reading materials under different sections like general, science & technology, politics and economy and environment.
General News
1. BBC News - provides the latest news on all corners of the world!
2. CNN News - delivers breaking news worldwide about every field.
3. Washington Post Breaking - supplies news and analysis on various fields.
4. The Wall Street Journal WSJ - has an online coverage of current headlines.
Geography, Environment, Travel, Culture, and History
National Geographic is a renowned site for IELTS reading materials on the environment, with hundreds of articles on geography, history, culture, etc.
Politics, economics, businesses
Business Insider is a fast-growing business site with deep financial, media, tech & other verticals. The Economist offers insight into business, finance, etc.
Science & Technology
New Scientist is a science magazine from the UK with plenty of short easy articles.
Nature is a global magazine with original research from all scientific disciplines.