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Tricks to Improve Concentration in the IELTS Listening Test

IELTS listening and concentration go hand-in-hand! Let us give you the top 3 expert tips to help you boost this skill for a band 9 in this section!

Concentrating throughout the 40 minutes of the whole IELTS listening test must be hard for you! 

Let’s learn the top 3 tricks to tackle this!💯

Timed Practice⏰

Pretend to be in exam conditions by practising listening exercises within the allocated time frame, enhancing concentration under pressure.

Mindfulness Techniques🤔

Incorporate mindfulness practices like deep breathing or visualizing a calm environment to stay present and manage test anxiety.

Effective Note-taking ✍🏻

Develop a shorthand method to jot down essential points while listening, aiding retention and comprehension.

Still, have confusions and need a band 9 IELTS expert’s help?
We got you!

To boost your focus and learn the tactics on how to effortlessly crack the IELTS listening test,
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