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Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking: Synonyms of 'I Don't Know'

Want to learn some useful synonyms of ‘I Don’t Know’ to spice up your IELTS Speaking answers? Stay with us till the end!
But, no worries!
While we are not an encyclopedia, a simple "I don't know" might not impress your IELTS examiner during the IELTS Speaking exam.
Let's navigate the unknown together🤝!
In this story, we will learn some synonyms of ‘I don’t know’ that will not only avoid offending your examiner, but will impress him/her with your vocabulary.
I’m not (too) sure
You: I’m not too sure, honestly. But I think recent advancement in science does make our lives comfortable…
Examiner: Do you think development in science is making our lives easier?
I can’t say for sure
You: I can’t say for sure, but it seems to me that advancements in science and technology have made our life quite comfortable. Let me give you an example…
Examiner: Do you think development in science is making our lives easier?
As far as I can see
You: As far as I can see, robots might impact human lives but…
Examiner: What do you think about robots replacing humans in the future?
Off the top of my head, I would say
You: Off the top of my head, I would say it might not be possible so easily. The reason why I say this is …
Examiner: What do you think about robots replacing humans in the future?
I’ll make a guess…
You: I’ll make a guess that they don’t like to …
Examiner:  Why do some people dislike social media?
Pumped up to learn more about how to avoid saying a direct ‘I don’t know’ in IELTS Speaking?
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