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What are Clauses in IELTS?

Understand the meaning of clauses with interesting examples and why it is important in the IELTS exam.
Yes, knowing clauses is very important in IELTS because clauses are like extra ingredients or spices that add flavor and complexity to your writing or speaking.
Meaning of Clauses
A clause, in grammar, is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought or an idea.
Example :
She likes to read novels This clause expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence. It contains a subject ("She") and a predicate ("likes to read novels").
There are three main types of clauses.
1. Independent clause
2. Dependent clause
3. Subordinate clause
Look out for each type in our next story!
Why is it important for the IELTS exam?
1.Clauses ensure your ideas are clear and well-structured, aiding coherence in your writing.

2. Using clauses demonstrates your ability to create complex sentences.
Hope this story was helpful to you. We will be explaining the types of clauses in the next part. Meanwhile, for more tips like this. Join our classes!