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What Are the Common Grammatical Errors in IELTS Writing?

Did you know that there are a few common grammatical mistakes that should be taken care of while in your IELTS writing test? Read ahead to know more!

In the IELTS Writing, mastering grammatical accuracy is crucial for conveying ideas effectively!💯

Let’s identify the 3 common grammatical errors with examples to help improve your writing skills!

Error 1: Sentence Fragments

Incomplete sentences can weaken the clarity and coherence of writing
whereas, complete sentences are necessary for conveying ideas effectively.


Incorrect: "Due to heavy rain. The match was cancelled."

Correct: "Due to heavy rain, the match was cancelled."

Error 2: Run-on Sentences

Run-on sentences occur when you connect two sentences without the proper punctuation or conjunctions, making them overly long and confusing to read.


Incorrect: "She wanted to go to the party, she didn't have a dress."

Correct: "She wanted to go to the party, but she didn't have a dress."

Error 3: Incorrect Word Forms

Using incorrect word forms, such as adjectives instead of adverbs or nouns instead of verbs, can lead to inaccuracies and impact the overall quality of writing.

Eager to know the example of ‘incorrect word forms’ and some more common errors?💯

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