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What to do if you forget what to say during Speaking Test?

Did you experience an awkward moment where you can't think of what to say next? Let’s find out how to avoid this.
If you are tired of going quite during an IELTS speaking exam and don’t know what to say next, these tips will help you out.
Write down a list of words related to what you want to say, or draw a mind map. This way, you won’t forget what to say.
Create Notes Before Talking
Starting your talk is difficult, so memorise an opening phrase. It will impress the examiner.
Memorise Good Opening Lines or Words
When referring to the topic, use your own words. This shows the examiner how much vocabulary and grammar you know.
Don't Forget Paraphrasing the Topic
If you’re stuck in a situation where you don’t understand the question, request for a repetition.
Ask If You Don't Understand
While it’s natural to get nervous, sometimes, it can lead to bad scoring. To overcome this, prepare to feel confident.
Avoid Being Nervous
Keeping these tips in mind and applying them in a real situation can help you out. Click the link to find more information.
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