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Confused with taking IELTS CBT? Let’s see the advantages of it now!

What if we prove to you that there is NO difference between the CBT and PBT? 

CBT - Computer-based for IELTS

PBT - Paper-based test for IELTS

Let us tell you the advantages of opting for a CBT!

1. Increased test availability📝

There are generally more tests available in computer-delivered format. You have more dates and times to choose from!

2. Faster results📚

You will get your results even faster within 3 to 5 days compared to 13 calendar days for the lELTS on PBT.

3. No more messy writing📝

If you've ever had to worry whether your examiner will be able to read your handwriting, then this will no longer be an issue with IELTS on the computer!

Guess what?🥳 We've got a secret to tell you!

Let us get you all ready to crack the IELTS PBT today at our online IELTS webinar!