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Word of the Day: Obsolete

Let's learn an unfamiliar word and how to use it in this story!
The word that we are going to learn today is "obsolete". You might have heard it many times, but do you know the use? If not, read on!
Obsolete is an adjective and is pronounced as 'ob-so-lete' (\ ˌäb-sə-ˈlēt \).
It means "no longer in use or style or old-fashioned".
Some synonyms that you can use instead of this word are "out-of-date", "outmoded", "discarded", "antiquated", "ancient" and "disused".
Obsolete is derived from the Latin word "obsolescere" meaning "to fall into disuse". You can hear it in the song "Out of Time" by The Rolling Stone.
Some opposite words are "modern", "new", "modern", "contemporary", "in vogue" and "up-to-date".
Use in sentences:

1. The old Nokia handsets have become
obsolete after the advent of smartphones.

2. From where did you get this
obsolete dress?
If you want to learn more useful words, phrases and idioms with their proper usage, check the Vocabulary book.
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