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Word of the Day: Ravenous

You can broaden your vocabulary using today's word of the day. So let's start!
Today's word is

Ravenous is used as an adjective.

The pronounciation is 'ra-ve-nous' (ˈrav-nəs).
Meaning of the word:
1. extremely hungry

2. devouring or craving food in great quantities

3. very eager for satisfaction, gratification or food
Synonyms of the word:
'starving', 'famished', 'sharp-set',

'esurient', 'voracious', 'insatiable',

and 'greedy'
The antonyms of the word

are 'full' and 'nourished'.
Usage in a sentence:
1. After hiking for hours, I was ravenous.

2. The wolf looked at the sheep with
ravenous eyes.
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