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Word of the Day: Sever

You may broaden your vocabulary by using the word of the day. So let's get started!
The word of the day is

Sever is a verb and is

 pronounced as 'se-ver'

 (\ ˈse-vər \).
The meaning of

 'sever' is:
1. set or keep apart

2. cut off from a whole
Have a look at some of
 its synonyms:
'detach', 'cut off', 'split',

'separate', 'bisect',

'disconnect', and 'parted'.
Its antonyms are:
'unite', 'link', 'connect',

'join', 'combine', and

2. The two brothers were

severed from each other by

their parents' disputes.
1. Due to the deadly infection,

the doctor had to
sever his

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