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One who doesn't plan will face trouble.
Planning your preparation ahead of time is vital for success. For IELTS, there is no specific study plan. You just need to customize it as per your needs.
Practice is the key
If you feel you do not have enough time for planning, focus on practice by following the steps given next.
Work on the hard areas.
Firstly, assess your strengths by taking up previous exam papers. Once you know your flawed areas, direct your energy to master them.
Polish your Grammatical knowledge
Although grammatical knowledge is not tested separately, it comprises a crucial part of any language test. So, revise the rules from your grammar.
Enrich your Word Power
Learn new words as you read and use them during your speaking and writing practice. It will help you recall their usage and enrich your vocabulary.
Take up online practice
Only learning will not help unless you put them into use. So, train your language skills according to the test format through the available online tests.
Learn effective exam techniques
Fortunately, IELTS is quite predictable. So, familiarise yourself with useful techniques like skimming & scanning for Reading to make the most of the exam.
If you work hard, you will surely succeed. For more information and a list of other useful hints, go to this page.
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