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Most Repeated IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics

Find the latest IELTS Essay topics to complete your IELTS preparation!
To write your essay in the allotted time, you should practise coming up with ideas for all popular IELTS essay topics.
Even though the essay questions vary, the subjects tend to remain the same. There are subtopics for every topic, which you should research.

- importance of education

- education and technology

- role of teachers and parents

- discipline and rules in school

- protection of endangered species

- environmental issues

- government vs individual responsibility

- healthy diet

- traditional vs modern diets

- fast food children and health education

- new technology

- face to face vs long distance

- social media

- small vs large business

- international vs family business

- globalisation and economy
Find sample essays on the topics mentioned and more IELTS study materials at IELTSMaterial.com
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