Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: explanation

Key Word: explanation 1          Verb + explanation Use the correct form of these verbs: defy                 demand           give hear                 owe                  think of I heard you coming in at five o’clock this morning. You said you would be home by midnight. I’m waiting to _________ your explanation. The instructor_________ us a very clear explanation of how the machine worked. It was very easy to follow. This is the second time you’ve failed to attend the meeting. I think you _________ us all an explanation. No wonder you’re angry! If Gwen was paid to produce the report by last Friday, I think you...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: help

Key Word: help 1          Verb + help Use the correct form of these verbs: ask for             appreciate offer                get seek                 use need                provide Thanks for everything you’ve done for my parents. They really __________ all your help. My car broke down in the city centre and I tried to push it to the side of the road. There were lots of people standing watching, and not one of them __________ any help whatsoever. Do you need any help with the cooking? > No, but I could __________ some help with the washing up if you’re not too busy. I wouldn’t...



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Using Collocation to Ace The IELTS – Key Word: Difference

Difference Adjective + Difference big, broad, considerable, dramatic, enormous, great, huge, large, major, profound, radical, real, sharp, substantial, vast, wide A little extra care makes a big difference. I noticed a real difference in his attitude. basic, essential, fundamental | crucial, important, key, significant | clear, distinct, marked, notable, noticeable, obvious, striking | minor, slight, subtle national, regional | age, class, cultural, ethnic, gender, genetic, physical, psychological, racial, sex, social | historical, ideological, political   Exercise Ex 1. Common adjective collocations Use the following adjectives in these sentences: fundamental               irreconcilable              no real                                    striking                        subtle I couldn’t tell the two paintings...

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

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Using Collocation to Boost your IELTS Score – Key Word : Hope

 Key Word : Hope 1          Verb + hope Use the correct form of these verbs : abandon                         cling to give                                  raise hold out                          offer pin( hope) on               have My strong belief in God ___________ me hope during those difficult times and helped me to remain positive. Rescuers have given up hope of finding any survivors. They have all hope of finding anybody alive inside the collapsed building. You shouldn’t ___________ all your hopes ___________ getting this job. Apply for other positions as well. With so many people wanting to see the concert, I don’t ___________ much hope of getting...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: Approval

Key word: approval 1           Verb + approval Use the correct form of these verbs: give            meet with                 need seek            show                          win The board of directors talked over the proposal and decided to__________ it their approval. My plans for the new house are complete – now all I__________ is approval to build it. The audience__________ their approval by calling for encore after encore, then giving them a standing ovation. She desperately wants to__________ her father’s approval. We’ll have to__________ approval from head office before spending any more on this project. The council’s plans for new traffic measures have __________ the approval...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: Change

Change 1          Verb + change Use the correct form of these verbs: accept              bring about                 make resist                plan                                 undergo I’ve ___________ a few minor changes to your speech. I hope you think I’ve improved it! A lot of people find it hard to___________ change. >Yes, it’s surprising how many of us tend to ___________  any kind of change to the way we live. The government’s latest advertising campaign is an attempt to ___________ a change in the way we think about the environment. Medicine has ___________ huge changes in the past 50 years due to the discovery of DNA. The...

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

2 min read

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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: Benefit

benefit 1          Verb + benefit Use the correct form of these verbs: bring                     derive feel                          reap include                 outline outweigh Tourism has _________ many benefits to the area. I want to say that I’m against the building of this new centre. I think the risks of the scheme _________ any potential benefits. Book your holiday with us. The benefits _________ full medical cover while you’re abroad. Too many children from poor social backgrounds don’t _________ much benefit from school. => No, I know what you mean. I didn’t get much benefit from my days at school either. The doctor said that...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: idea

Key Word: idea 1          Verb + idea Use the correct form of these verbs: consider          come up with              get across reject               go along with              sell He’s a really good speaker. He has that rare ability to _________ complex ideas in the kind of language everybody can understand. We’ve been _________ the idea of moving to a smaller flat now that the children have left home. We’ve actually been toying with the idea for a year or so. The committee needs to _________ some ideas for raising funds for the new church. Does anybody have any good ideas? She’s always _________...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: Argument

Key word: argument 1          Verb + argument (reasons behind ideas) Use the correct form of these verbs: accept              follow              hear                 put forward                 support His lecture just didn’t seem to make any sense. I couldn’t ___________ his argument at all. Could you? I’ve spent the last week doing my research. Now I’ve got lots of facts and figures to ___________ my argument. In his speech, the Chancellor ___________ a very persuasive argument for raising taxes. I don’t ___________ the argument that adults should always be obeyed just because they are adults! Now that we have___________ all the arguments for and against...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: Area

Key word: area 1          Verb + area Use the correct form of these verbs: avoid               cover               develop            destroy know               police               tour I’m sorry I don’t know where the high school is. Ask Jane. She ___________ the local area very well. Buxton is very central and it makes an ideal base for ___________ the area. The National Park ___________ an area of some 2000 square kilometres. Following the rise in crime, there are calls for more money to be spent on ___________ the area. Heathrow does its best to make sure planes ___________ flying over residential areas at night. The introduction...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: time

Using Collocation To Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: Time 1          Verb + time Use the correct form of these verbs: afford              kill                   make save                 spend               take It can ____________ quite a long time to get used to living in a different country. People who ____________ too much time together usually end up getting on each other’s nerves. It’ll take you about half an hour to walk to the station. Get a taxi. Think of the time you’ll____________ ! I arrived two hours early for my interview, so I ____________ some time in the National Gallery and then I...

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

3 min read

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Improve your Vocabulary for IELTS – Collocation of Incident

Key word: incident  1         Verb + incident Use the correct form of these verbs: highlight         investigate occur               cause report              witness There was a serious accident in the middle of town last night. The police have appealed for anyone who __________ the incident to come forward. I saw some older boys bullying one of the first-year students. I felt I had to__________ the incident to the headmaster. A number of windows in our church were smashed at the weekend. The police are __________ the incident. Somebody walked out of the building yesterday with two of our computers. This incident __________ our...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: attention

Key word: attention  1          Verb collocations Use the correct form of these verbs: need              pay          get           have       hold Children often misbehave in order to _________ attention. The play was disappointing. It didn’t _________ my attention for very long. Can I _________ your attention, please? I have an important announcement to make. Babies _________ a lot of care and attention. As a caring society I think we need to _________ more attention to the elderly. First underline the verb collocations in the following. Then divide them into two groups: those meaning ‘give attention to something’ and those meaning ‘something gets your...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Keyword: Influence

Key word: influence 1          Common adjective collocations Complete the sentences with these adjectives: calming                       corrupting disruptive                    outside profound                     pervasive undue                          positive Our youngest son, Harry, can get very excited and a little wild at times, but his sister has a very___________ influence on him. I find it hard to teach when your daughter is in class. She has a ___________ influence on the rest of the students. Perhaps she should see someone about her behaviour. Will’s a bit depressed at the moment. I think he needs to mix with people who will have a more ___________ influence on his life....



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: person

Key Word: person  1         Determiners and quantifiers Complete the sentences with these words: each                first                  last one                  only                 single When my car broke down on the motorway, not a ___________ person stopped and offered to help me. My best friend is about the ___________ person that I can trust my secrets to. Allow about 200gms of rice for___________ person. Democratic systems are based on the principle of___________ person, one vote. The___________ person to give the correct answer wins the competition. I wouldn’t go out with Damien if he were the ___________ person on earth! 2          Common adjective collocations Match the...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: Attitude

Key word: attitude 1          Verb + attitude Use the correct form of these verbs: change            harden                        shape               understand show                take                             typify I’m afraid our nephew has turned out to be a greedy, self-centred young man. His attitude ____________ a complete disregard for his family and others. I’ve always____________ a fairly easy-going attitude towards bringing up my children. Children need freedom to develop and make their own mistakes. John’s total lack of interest in the general election ____________ the attitude of many young people today. What do you think influences our attitudes to marriage? > I think our experiences in childhood____________...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: fight

Key word: fight 1          Verb + fight Use the correct form of these verbs: be engaged in               carry on                      give up lose                                  put up                          step up Workers at Ford’s lorry plant are determined to __________ a fight to save their jobs. More money has been promised to help scientists to __________ the fight to find a cure for AIDS. In response to public pressure, the government has promised to __________ the  fight against drugs. My company __________ a bitter fight with the local council, who are refusing us planning permission for a new factory. Although jailed for twenty years by...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: expectation

Key word: expectation 1          Common expressions Divide the sentences below into three groups: A = better than expected B = as expected C = worse than expected The concert was fantastic – it lived up to all our expectations. The film has been a surprise success. Box – office receipts have exceeded all expectations. It is a fact that the reality of a holiday often falls short of expectations. The increase in interest rates is broadly in line with expectations. Unfortunately sales of the new product have failed to meet expectations. The English course fulfilled all our expectations. The restaurant...



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: event

Key word: event 1          Verb + event Use the correct form of these verbs: cancel              mark witness            shake sponsor           take part in When Nelson Mandela visited the city, hundreds of doves were released to ___________ the event. I’d like to thank everyone who ___________ today’s marvellous fund-raising event. I think you’ll all agree we’ve had a wonderful day and we have also managed to raise over £20,000! Nobody who___________ the events of September 11th – either live on TV or first hand – will ever forget them. Most big sporting events are___________ by large multinational companies like Nike or Pepsi....



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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: effect

effect 1          Positive and negative effects Which of the adjectives in bold are positive and which are negative? There is abundant evidence that smoking has a harmful effect on /our health. Many chemicals have a damaging effect on the environment. People today are aware of the beneficial effects of exercise. That’s why so many join leisure clubs. Watching too much television is having an adverse effect on John’s progress at school. The girl was kept locked up in a darkened room, but she seems to have suffered no ill effects. The Victorians swore by the therapeutic effects of sea-bathing. The...



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