Write a Letter to Your Friend Planning a Weekend Trip – IELTS General Writing Task 1

Are you preparing for the IELTS exam and looking for some helpful tips and examples for the informal letter-writing task? You’re in the right place! In this blog, we’ll provide you with two sample letters for the topic ‘Write a Letter to Your Friend Planning a Weekend Trip’ for IELTS Band 7, 8 and Band 9. We’ll also offer some valuable tips to improve your informal letter-writing skills for IELTS General Writing Task 1. Question You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You are planning a weekend trip with your friend. Write a letter to your friend.  In...

Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika Samanta

6 min read

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A Letter to Your Friend Who Lives in Another Town and Invite – IELTS Writing Task 1

Practicing informal letter topics from IELTS General Writing practice tests can be extremely beneficial for developing effective written communication skills for everyday situations. The topic “A Letter to Your Friend Who Lives in Another Town and Invite” provides an excellent opportunity to organize thoughts logically, use an appropriate tone, and enhance interpersonal communication abilities. By framing responses to such prompts, candidates can not only master the art of letter writing but also gain confidence in expressing themselves clearly and persuasively in informal contexts. Tackling diverse scenarios encourages the development of a well-rounded skill set essential for successful communication in various...

Raajdeep Saha

Raajdeep Saha

4 min read

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IELTS Informal Letter Example 10

Informal letters are written to friends and family. These are the people we encounter frequently or at least hope to meet frequently and with whom we share an emotional bond. Learn ways to approach different types of IELTS informal letters by taking up this letter to your friend. You can go through various similar informal sample letters to clear your doubt if any A foreign friend of yours plans to visit your place and stay with you, but you do not have time on that date. Give your friend another alternate date to come. In your letter, you should: apologize...



1 min read

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Your Parents will be Celebrating their 50th Anniversary Next Month- Informal letter

Your parents will be celebrating their 50th anniversary next month. You are planning a big celebration, but you are not sure how to make the occasion really memorable. But you have a friend who can help. Write to your friend Julia, who is a professional event planner.  In your letter, explain why this occasion is special ask for her assistance set up a time to meet your friend to discuss your plans Write at least 150 words. Sample Answer Dear Julia, I hope you are excellent and doing fine. I am writing this to tell you that my parents will...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

1 min read

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You are Studying English at a Private Language School- Informal Letter

You are studying English at a private language school attended by many international students. You are planning a surprise birthday party for a friend who has been feeling particularly sad and homesick. Write to another classmate and invite him/her to the party. In your letter: explain the reason for the party give the date and time of the party suggest what the classmate could bring to the party Write at least 150 words. Sample Answer Dear Keith, I hope you’re doing fine and excited about the midterm results that are going to be declared next month. Honestly, I’m scared of...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

1 min read

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You Have a Friend Who has always Liked the Car you Currently Drive- Informal Letter

You have a friend who has always liked the car you currently drive. Now you have decided to sell the car. You think your friend might be interested in buying it. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter, say why you want to sell your car describe the condition of the car invite the friend to come and see the car himself/herself someday Write at least 150 words. Sample Answer Dear Zikhish, I hope everything is superb at your end. I’m writing this letter to share an exciting news with you that I’ve decided to buy a new...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

1 min read

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You Have Recently Started Work in a New Company- Informal letter

You have recently started work in a new company. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter explain why you have changed your job describe your new job tell him/her your other news Write at least 150 words. Sample Answer Dear Jefferey, I hope you’re doing excellent at your end. I’m writing this to tell you that I’ve recently joined a new organization at Starklock city and also feel sorry for not letting you know of all this earlier. Actually, it was getting quite hectic for me to continue with ABzechleon, the company in which I was working...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

1 min read

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A friend Asking for Advice About a Problem at Work- Informal letter

A friend of yours has recently written to you asking for advice about a problem at work. You have had a similar problem at your workplace in the past. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, tell your friend how you feel about the problem explain how you faced a similar situation in the past suggest possible solutions to the problem Sample Answer Dear Simone, I hope you’re doing well. I recently got your letter and learnt that you’re going through a rough patch at your work, which got me concerned about your situation. However, let me tell...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

1 min read

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You Recently Received a Letter from a Friend Asking for Advice- Informal Letter

You recently received a letter from a friend asking for advice about whether to go to college or to try to get a job. You think he/she should get a job. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter: say why he/she would not enjoy going to college explain why getting a job is a good idea for him/her suggest types of job that would be suitable for him/her Write at least 150 words. Sample Answer Dear Diego, Hope you’re doing good! I got your letter yesterday and am glad that you chose me to guide you with your...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

1 min read

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A Friend has Agreed to Look After your House- Informal Lettter

A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: give contact details for when you are away give instructions on how to care for your pet describe other household duties You should write at least 150 words. Sample answer Dear George, I hope everything is delightful at your end. I’m writing this letter to tell you that I’m finally going on a long due holiday, something which you kept on insisting on me for. However, I’ll be requesting help from you. I want you...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

1 min read

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You are Writing your First Letter to Pen Pal- IELTS Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You have a pen pal and you are writing your first letter to that pen pal. You do not need to write any addresses. Write at least 150 words. In your letter, describe your previous studies and/or work experience, your current activities, hobbies and interests. Also, tell your pen pal that you will be visiting him/her. Sample Answer Dear Jonathan, I hope this letter finds you well. I am looking forward to being your pen pal, and I am delighted to write this letter to introduce myself. As you might know,...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

1 min read

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You Have Recently Moved to a Different House- Informal Letter

You have recently moved to a different house, and you want to give the news to an English-speaking friend who lives in another country. Write a letter to this English-speaking friend. In your letter, explain why you have moved describe the new house invite your friend to come and visit Sample Answer Dear Mike! I am thrilled to let you know that I have finally moved to a gigantic rented apartment. It was extremely difficult for me to commute to the workplace daily. Moreover, the PG I was living in was no less than a trauma with that petulant landlord....

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

1 min read

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You Want to Sell Some of your Furniture- Informal Letter

You want to sell some of your furniture. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter explain why you are selling describe the furniture suggest a date when your friend can come and see the furniture Sample Answer Dear Xerxes, How is everything at your end? I’m writing this letter to let you know that I’m planning to sell some of the furniture I have. Actually, it slipped from my memory to tell you that I’m relocating to a different city as I’ve changed the organization...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

1 min read

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