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IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Questions
In IELTS Reading, there are many different types of questions for which you need to become aware of the strategies to be used in all of them to ace the IELTS exam. One of the questions such as the IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Questions is a very common type of question which seems to be the easiest question type in order to get a band score of 8+. However, if you are unaware of the format in the IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Questions, it can also reduce your score, especially if you become distracted and choose the wrong option. To...

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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions – Tips, Strategies & Practice
IELTS Listening multiple-choice questions, commonly found in the IELTS Listening Parts 2, 3, and 4 of the test, can be challenging for candidates who are not well-prepared. These questions assess your ability to understand details, grasp main ideas, and identify specific information from the audio. To excel in this question type, regular practice with IELTS Listening practice tests is essential. In this guide, let’s explore the types of multiple-choice questions, essential tips, and practical examples to help you succeed. What Are IELTS Listening Multiple-Choice Questions?IELTS Listening multiple-choice questions present candidates with either one or multiple correct answers. These questions challenge...

6 min read
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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions | Example 5
Transcripts: Agent: Now let’s get down to the serious stuff. What have you got in the kitchen? A fridge, of course. Man: Yes, a fridge and there’s a dishwasher. Agent: Got facilities for washing clothes? Man: Yeah, a washing machine in the basement and a dryer too. Agent: Okay, gas or electric stove electric and in the kitchen, there’s a microwave as well Agent: fine. Now, what about the house anything worth mentioning? Man: Sure. There’s room for playing ping pong and pool. Agent: Great. And how is it heated? Man: It’s got central heating but no fireplace. Agent: That’s...

3 min read
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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions | Example 9
Transcript: Woman: Hello, how can I help you? Man: Hi, I’m Carl Mckay and you booked me some flights recently to Australia and some internal ones. Woman: Oh, yes Mr. McKay. I remember you now, of course. Man: Well, I find I’m going to need a car hire while I’m in Sydney, after all. I think you said you could recommend a good value company. Woman: Yes, that’s right. Cost-wise Cars. They’re very good and don’t charge lots of extras. They have three offices in the Sydney area including one office right at the airport. Man: So I’ll just book...

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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions | Example 7
Transcripts: Interviewer: Can you tell us the thing you like most in this place? Interviewee: The thing I liked most in New York was definitely the variety of buildings and monuments. I also enjoyed the parks. They were great. New York is a unique city. It’s like you are in the middle of the world. It’s considered by many to be the economic center of the world. I also liked the people. Some people told me that New Yorkers have a reputation for being unfriendly, but I didn’t notice this. Interviewer: Were there any things that you didn’t like? Interviewee:...

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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions | Example 6
Transcripts Harry: Hi Andrea, how are you feeling? Now that exams are over. Andrea: It’s fantastic to have finished. Isn’t it? And to sleep in, every morning? What about you? Harry: Well, I’ve been catching up on sleep too. But I’ve got a lot to do before I leave for England. Perhaps you could give me some advice. I’ve got a lot of things I can’t possibly take back with me, but I don’t know what to do with them. Andrea: Well, it depends on what sort of things they are and whether you’re thinking of giving them away or...

4 min read
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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions | Example 8
Transcript: Hi there, everybody. Thank you so much for coming. In the room here today, we have students from Japan, Afghanistan, Europe, and North America. Some of you have English as your first language, but the majority don’t. You all have something in common though. Everyone here works in the field of Law and you are all here for our new Blended learning course, which allows you to get the qualifications you need without leaving your country or your job. So, this two-day conference is one of only two chances that you will get to meet your tutors and your...

3 min read
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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions | Example 10
Transcripts: Saleswoman: Ah, yes. Mr. Garcia. I took your call. Please take a seat. You said on the phone that you’re studying at the University. Student: That’s right. I’m currently in University digs, but I have decided to move out. Saleswoman: May I ask why? Student: Well, the accommodation itself is fine. Very lovely, in fact. But it’s catered accommodation, and I find having to have my meals at fixed times somewhat restrictive. I tried to get into self-catering accommodation, but there’s very little of that available and, as I will be a second-year student next academic year. I wasn’t...

3 min read
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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions | Example 3
Transcripts: Jason: Hi Laurel, it’s Jason. How are you? Laurel: Jason! So glad you called. I’m fine. You must have got my message in your answerphone. I wanted to know if you’re free tomorrow to go to the opening of Gaudi’s exhibition. Jason: Yes, I heard about it and thought of you straight away. Laurel: So you’re free tomorrow. Jason: Yes, what time do you want to go? Laurel: Well, I have a class at college in the morning until 11:15. Wait, no 11:30. So anytime after then. Jason: I have a lecture until about 12:15. Well, that works perfectly....

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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions | Example 4
Transcripts: Woman: Registrar’s office. This is Pam. Man: Yes. Hello, I’m calling about enrolling to study at the university. This is the right number? Woman: Yes. This is Michford University admissions; what would you like to know? Man: Well, basically, I need to know what I have to do to be enrolled as a student. You see, I’m currently studying education at another school. I’ve just finished my first year, but I’m not really enjoying it. I think I’m more interested in accounting. My dad teaches maths, so I thought it might be a good choice. Well, better than business...

3 min read
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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions | Example 1
Transcripts: Tutor: Well, Anita and Lee, that was an interesting presentation you made about John Chapman. Anita: Thanks. Lee: Thanks. Tutor: There are a few points, I’d like to run through before you write it up. One thing, which you didn’t explain was why you decided to do a presentation on this man who spread apple varieties across the US. Anita: Well ages ago, we were chatting about stuff, we’d read as children and I told Lee “The Johnny Appleseed” story. Tutor: Mmmmm….. Anita: I had these American storybooks when I was small. Then, when we were looking into the...

3 min read
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