Word – Croon

Croon – Word of the day Meaning : [noun] a soft, low voice or tone. [Verb] hum or sing in a soft, low voice, especially in a sentimental manner. History: Debated as Dutch and Irish origin. From Middle Dutch kronen –> (“to groan, lament”) &  Old Irish crónán Usage: Verb examples – croon: 1. The cat was crooning like a new born baby 2. She was crooning near the dead body of her husband 3. Lisa was heard crooning along with the singer Adjective examples – croon: 1. She woke up to the sound of the crooning cuckoo 2. She...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Word of the Day – Oblivious

Oblivious – Word of the Day (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Oblivious (adjective) /əˈblɪviəs/ not aware of something Synonym: heedless, unmindful Example:  He seemed oblivious to the fact that his wife was on the edge of a nervous breakdown. The couple seemed oblivious to what was going on around them. This government is totally oblivious to the need for international cooperation. WORD OF THE DAY Admonish Reiterate Croon Exacerbation Tantalise Zealous



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Welfare – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Welfare – Word Of The Day For IELTS Writing & Speaking WELFARE /ˈwelfeə(r)/ NOUN Meaning: the general health, happiness and safety of person, an animal or a group money that goverment pays regularly to people who are poor, unemployed, sick,… Synonyms: well-being Collocation: with noun: animal, child, community, employee, family, personal, student, state, services, system, facilities,benefits, payments, budget, costs, spending, scrounger… with verb: improve, promote with prep: on Example: people concerned about child welfare The government’s policies will promote the welfare of all citizens We intend to make child welfare one of our priorities. They would rather work than live...



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State-Of-The-Art – Word Of The Day For IELTS

State-Of-The-Art – Word Of The Day For IELTS STATE-OF-THE-ART /ˌsteɪt əv ði ˈɑːrt/ (a) Definition: using the most modern or advanced techniques or methods; as good as it can be at the present time Synonyms: modern, advanced, cutting-edge, ultramodern, progressive, up-to-the-minute Antonyms: old-fashioned, conventional, traditional Examples: The government is spending an excessive amount of money on the production of state-of-the-art military equipment. The state-of-the-art museum is considered a prime place for the preservation of these Egyptian artifacts. The hospital is fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities which will contribute greatly in the effects of medical treatments as well as the operation...

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

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Pursuit – Word Of The Day For IELTS

PURSUIT – Word Of The Day For IELTS Writing & Speaking PURSUIT /pəˈsjuːt/ Noun Uncountable Meaning: the act of following or chasing sb something that give you your time and energy to, that you do as a hobby Synonyms: hobby, pastime Collocation: with adj: successful, ruthless, vigorous, favorite, popular, active, energetic, indoor, leisure, academic, culture, educational, sporting…+ pursuit with prep: in pursuit of with phrase: the pursuit of a goal, the pursuit of happiness/knowledge/pleasure/truth/excellence/profit with verb: give pursuit Example: people travelling around the country in pursuit of work He is engaged in the ruthless pursuit of wealth. He devoted his...



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Word of the Day – Sporadic

Sporadic – WORD OF THE DAY (for Writing Task 2) Sporadic (adjective) /spəˈrædɪk/ happening only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular Synonym: Intermittent Example:  The findings are derived from sporadic and statistically unreliable surveys. There are sporadic outbreaks of violence. WORD OF THE DAY Welfare Oblivious Croon Exacerbation Pursuit State Of The Art



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Sordid – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Sordid – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Sordid: (Adjective) /ˈsɔːrdɪd/ Definition: involving immoral or dishonest behaviour very dirty and unpleasant Synonyms:  Nasty, Disreputable, Shameful Collocations:  With noun: sordid affair/ story Example: For IELTS Speaking: “George Broomham was questioned, but only briefly, before he admitted the whole sordid affair.” “All concerned should be cross-examined to get to the bottom of the whole sordid affair.” “Her own sordid story could only be a bad influence on such a young and impressionable mind.” For IELTS Writing: “Out of this sordid mix of political short-sightedness and commercial greed, no government...



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Tyro – Word of the day

Tyro – Word of the day for IELTS Speaking & Writing Tyro (noun) /ˈtaɪrəʊ/ http://ieltsmaterial.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/wd20150424.mp3 Meaning: a beginner in learning anything; novice Word Origin: 1610s, from Medieval Latin tyro, variant of Latin tiro (plural tirones) “youngsoldier, recruit, beginner,” of unknown origin. Synonym: neophyte, beginner, learner, apprentice, amateur, newbie, rookie Example:  She is a tyro who has little experience of journalism. I wondered from the start why such a smart young fellow should make himself out to be a mere tyro in computer technology. I am a tyro at English; therefore, I often mispronounce long words which most native speakers of...



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Altruism – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking & Writing

Altruism – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking & Writing Altruism /ˈæltruɪzəm/ (n): the fact of caring about the needs and happiness of other people more than your own Synonyms: benevolence, selflessness, magnanimity, kindness Antonyms: egoism, self-centeredness Examples: It appears challenging to find anyone who would act out of pure altruism in today’s materialistic world. Altruism is arguably mistaken with stupidity because of its selfless actions and generosity toward other people, especially those who don’t deserve it. Also check :  IELTS Speaking IELTS Writing Altruism in Writing & Speaking What characteristics do you think true leaders should have? Undoubtedly,...

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

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Word of the Day – Procrastinate

Procrastinate – WORD OF THE DAY (for Writing Task 2) Procrastinate (verb) /prəʊˈkræstɪneɪt/ To postpone or delay needlessly Synonym: postpone or delay Example:  Writing:  People were dying of starvation while governments procrastinated. Speaking: I don’t want to procrastinate when I should be doing my planning! If I didn’t procrastinate so much, I could get more done. WORD OF THE DAY Altruism Tyro Sordid Sporadic Pursuit State Of The Art



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Word of the Day – Prestige

Prestige – Word of the Day (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Prestige (noun) /preˈstiːʒ/ the high reputation and respect that someone or something has earned, based on their impressive achievements, quality Synonyms and related words: reputation, standing, track record Example: This year’s outstanding tournament will do a lot to restore the competition’s prestige. The move was designed to enhance his personal prestige. WORD OF THE DAY Altruism Tyro Sordid Sporadic Pursuit Procrastinate

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Awkward – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Awkward – Word Of The Day For IELTS Writing & Speaking AWKWARD /ˈɔːkwəd/  Adj Meaning: difficult to deal with and embarrassed not comfortable, relaxed or confident   Synonyms: difficult, inconvenient, embarrassing, impossible, tough, uncertain   Collocation: with verb: be, look, seem | make sth | become with adv: extremely, very | a bit, rather, slightly, somewhat | painfully with phrase: make things with prep: about   Example: There was an awkward silence. I felt awkward because because they obviously wanted to be alone. Don’t ask awkward questions. You’ve put me in awkward position. Have I come at an awkward time?...



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Plagiarism – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Plagiarism – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Plagiarism: (Noun) /ˈpleɪdʒərɪzəm/ Definition: an idea, phrase, or story that has been copied from another person’s work, without stating where it came from Synonyms:  Falsification, Infringement, Piracy Example: For IELTS Speaking:. “Does the student follow the old adage that to read and paraphrase one book is plagiarism but to use two is research?” “She cobbled together a rough draft and then rewrote it, trying to remove the more ostentatious signs of plagiarism.” “There are all sorts of coincidences which are in no way plagiarism.” For IELTS Writing: “The Head...

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

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Turbulence – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Turbulence – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Turbulence: (Noun) /ˈtɜːrbjələns/ Definition: a situation in which there is a lot of sudden change, confusion, disagreement and sometimes, violence Synonyms:  Conflict, Disturbance, Instability Collocations: With adjective: political turbulence Example: For IELTS Speaking:. “The political turbulence of the 1970s and 1980s disturbed this cosy conceptualisation of things.” “They ran into bad weather and the turbulence upset the youngest Brückner child.” “Once more, the market had wide swings, capping a week of turbulence.” For IELTS Writing: “The political turbulence that followed the Civil War was only brought under control by...



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Impeccable – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Impeccable – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Impeccable: (Adjective) /ɪmˈpekəbl/ Definition: without any faults and impossible to criticize Synonyms:  Perfect, Faultless, Flawless Collocations: With nouns: Impeccable logic/ manners Example: For IELTS Speaking:. “He worked out, with impeccable logic, that the best thing to do would be to cooperate.” “Suddenly, his impeccable manners were gone..” For IELTS Writing: “In any Open Door disagreement, the employee is assumed to be right unless the manager has impeccable documentation to the contrary.” Exercise: Match the word below to complete these sentences. salver, extraction, impeccable, noxious, disapproval, measurable She arranged them...



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Word of the Day – Reiterate

Reiterate – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Reiterate (verb)  /riˈɪtəreɪt/ to repeat something that you have already said, especially to emphasize it Synonym: repeat Collocation: reiterate an argument/a demand/an offer Example: For Writing:  The government has reiterated its commitment to economic reform. For Speaking: Let me reiterate that we are fully committed to this policy. WORD OF THE DAY Impeccable Turbulence Plagiarism Awkward Prestige Procrastinate



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Calamity – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking and Writing

Calamity – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking and Writing Calamity (noun) /kəˈlæməti/ [countable, uncountable] Definition: an event that causes great damage to people’s lives, property, etc. Synonyms: catastrophe, disaster, adversity, tribulation Also check : IELTS Speaking IELTS Writing Collocations :  Adj: severe, major, great, dreadful Verb: suffer, experience [do_widget id=custom_html-25] Examples : Japan suffered severe calamities from a terrible earthquake which completely flattened the whole capital city several years ago. The calamity caused by the economic crisis was dreadful.

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

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Fleeting – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Fleeting – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Fleeting: (Adjective) /fliːtɪŋ/ Definition: lasting for only a short time Synonyms:  Short, Brief, Momentary Collocation: With noun: fleeting glimpse/ moment/ visit Example: For IELTS Speaking:. “Rory had only seen fleeting glimpses of it, but enough to know it was there.” “Love flared through her, she felt desire and sadness too because she knew this was a fleeting moment.” “It was a fleeting visit, but in the best traditions of a charming Prince, he bowled them over.” For IELTS Writing: “A specific point of view of a space, in a...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Word of The Day – Plateau

Expand your lexicon! Every day, get a word of the day from us. Learn the definition, history, and application of the word via a variety of examples. Today’s word of the day is PLATEAU PLATEAU- WORD OF THE DAY (For Speaking and Writing) PLATEAU (n), (v) BrE /ˈplætəʊ/  NAmE /plæˈtoʊ/ a period of time that shows inactivity stability Speaking: When I first started studying English in Australia, my skills grew rapidly. However, after I returned to my home country, my language abilities unfortunately plateaued/hit a plateau. I attribute this to the fact that I did not have anyone to practice...



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Iconoclast – Hapless

Iconoclast – Word of the Day Meaning: [noun]: somebody who opposes or does not believe in the accepted traditions, ideas, etc. History: Originally, this word was used in reference to the Easter Church that had a mob of followers destroying icons and religious objects. This word came from a Late Greek word, eikonoklastes. Here, eikon means image and klastes means breaker. In 1842, the protestants in Netherlands vandalized the former Catholic churches, giving rise to the first attestation of this word. Usage: He was an iconoclast and started questioning the mission of the company, which resulted in a job loss...

Glen Brown

Glen Brown

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