Improve your Vocabulary in IELTS Speaking & Writing – Key Word : Thing

Key Word : Thing 1     Verb + thing Use the correct form of these verbs : make               need               pack                wash up We’ll have to stop at the supermarket. We _____________ a few basic things like bread and milk. My dad’s a sculptor. He _____________ things out of wood he finds on the beach. Peter, you haven’t _____________ the breakfast things yet. Do them before you go to school, please.  _____________  your things. We’re leaving in 10 minutes. accept              look at             make               think                turn out He’s not sure what he’s going to do, so he’s taken a few days off to...



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Word – Knell

Knell – Word of the Day Meaning: [noun]: a bell’s sound, especially when rung for a funeral or death History: This word underwent a lot of alterations and changes. As far as the origin is concerned, it happened back in the 16th century. Initially, an Old English word ‘cynll’ was taken that was combined with ‘cnyllan’, which is a word taken from West German. Together, they formed a Dutch word called ‘knal’ or ‘knallen’ meaning crack, pop, or bang. However, the current spelling is influenced by the English word ‘bell.’ Usage: It sounded like the knell of her hopes. The...

Glen Brown

Glen Brown

1 min read

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Word – Maudlin

Maudlin – Word of the Day Meaning: [adj] : self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental. : (of a book, film, or song) highly sentimental. History: History debated between the early 14th century and early 16th century, roughly in 1610. Debated of French and Latin origin. From Middle English Maudelen From Old French Madelaine Mary Magdalene who was forgiven by Jesus Christ is found weeping in many paintings. So it is debated that the word could have originated from this. Usage: 1. Adverb examples – maudlinly : 1. The musician sang maudlinly. 2. After having some shots of anesthesia Tom moaned maudinly. 3....

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Capricious – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking And Writing

Capricious – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking And Writing Capricious (adj) /kəˈprɪʃəs/ Definition: showing sudden changes in attitude or behaviour; changing suddenly and quickly Synonyms: random, inconsistent, arbitrary, unpredictable Antonyms: consistent, reasonable Examples : Jonas proves to be more capricious and ill-tempered than we expected with all of his unreasonable demands and critical attitude. The capricious weather spoiled our plan to discover the isolated island due to safety reason. [do_widget id=custom_html-25] Bear in mind that a proper grasp of vocabulary is especially important for the IELTS test because it makes up 25% of your mark in IELTS writing...

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

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Word – Adumbrate

Adumbrate – Word of the day Meaning : : represent in outline. : foreshadow (a future event). History: Latin origin. Latin verb adumbrare, which comes from “umbra,” the Latin word for “shadow” which then turned to be giving a shadowy view of something. Usage: Verb examples – adumbrate: 1. The teacher asked John to adumbrate his aims of the project. 2. The painter chose dull colors to adumbrate the eyes of the painting. 3. The candle light adumbrated the dark walls with a yellow light. Adjective examples – adumbrate:  1. The brochure was adumbrative of the new sales goals of...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Word of The Day – Obtainable

Actionable: (Adjective) Ready to go or be put into action; ready for use: to retrieve actionable copy from a computer Example: My university professor gave me several actionable pieces of advice. But most noteworthy was his suggestion that I focus my studies on North African history, as I was both intersted in it and am of Tunisian ancestry.



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Word of The Day – Pique

PIQUE- WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Pique (v) BrE /piːk/  NAmE /piːk/ to describe something that stimulates interests to provoke; arouse Speaking After visiting a science and technology museum as a child, my interest in computer programming was piqued Writing Task 2 Firstly, technology can pique the interest of students in a way that encourages focus and information retention. For example, modern university lecture halls make it possible for classrooms in Canada to use music, video and the Internet as a means of maintaining the attention of students during class time   Subscribe New Word...



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Word of The Day – Embrace

EMBRACE – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/ to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc., especially when it is done with enthusiasm Speaking I embraced the opportunity to study abroad. Writing task 2 Thus, it is clear that students who embrace the study of another language are positioning themselves for future academic and professional opportunities. Soccer has become more widely embraced by Americans.



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Word of The Day – Apprehensive

Apprehensive – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Apprehensive (adjective) /ˌæprɪˈhensɪv/ Worried or frightened that something unpleasant may happen Speaking: I was a little apprehensive about the effects of what I had said. You have no reason to be apprehensive of the future. She was deeply apprehensive that something might go wrong. Writing Task 2: The government were at this time apprehensive of an approaching scarcity of food which can result in a considerable increase in the number of hungry people.  



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Word of The Day – Commence

Commence – Word of the day (for IELTS Writing Task 1,2) Commence (verb) /kəˈmens/ to begin to happen; to begin something For example: Speaking:  I will be on leave during the week commencing 15 February. Writing Task 1: Commencing at 12$ in 2000, the Apple’s share price went through a sharp increase to 43$ after a decade.



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Word of The Day – Coherent

Word of the day – Coherent (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Coherent (adjective)  /koʊˈhɪrənt/ logical and well organized; easy to understand and clear| marked by an orderly and consistent relation of parts EXAMPLE: That leadership vacuum, Mr. Bealefeld and others said, has inevitably depleted morale and kept the agency from developing a coherent agenda.



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Word of The Day – Paradigm

PARADIGM – WORD OF THE DAY (for Writing Task 2) Paradigm (noun)  /ˈpærədaɪm/ a typical example or pattern of something  For IELTS Writing Task 2:  The Chinese are beginning to embrace a fundamentally different paradigm in development. The war was a paradigm of the destructive side of human nature.



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Word of The Day – Reciprocal

RECIPROCAL – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Reciprocal (adjective) /rɪˈsɪprəkl/ involving two people or groups who agree to help each other or behave in the same way to each other IELTS Speaking:  I had a reciprocal arrangement with my husband —each would take care of children if the need arose. IELTS Writing Task 2:  Compared with the export trade in live stock from Ireland to Great Britain the reciprocal trade from Great Britain to Ireland is small, and is largely restricted to animals for breeding purposes. The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students...



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Word of The Day – Ultimate

Ultimate – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 1,2) Ultimate (adjective) /ˈʌltɪmət/ [only before noun]  final, happening at the end of a long process For IELTS Speaking: My ultimate goal is to get into the most prestigious university in this entire world called Harvard University He had no ready solution, but continued to believe the ultimate solution she chose to these insurmountable obstacles was a cop-out (cop-out: to avoid or stop doing something that you should do because you are afraid, lazy, etc) For IELTS Writing Task 2:  Laying especial emphasis on the priority of mind to...



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Word of The Day – Versatile

Versatile – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Versatile (adjective) /ˈvəːsətʌɪl/ Able to do many things skillfully   Example: He’s a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts. Eggs are easy to cook and are an extremely versatile food.    



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Word of the Day – Vanquish

Vanquish – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Vanquish (verb) /ˈvaŋkwɪʃ/ Conquer, Defeat thoroughly Synonym: subdue, subjugate, put down Example: He successfully vanquished his rival Council procedures and culture should emphasize discussion and accommodation rather than scoring debater’s points and vanquishing one’s opponents.



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Word of the Day – Vaunt

Vaunt – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Vaunt (verb) /vɔːnt/ to boast Synonym: to proclaim, brag Example: Even the country’s much vaunted success in the IT industry needs to be put in perspective So much for the much vaunted transparency and accountability policy.



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Word of the Day – Teeming

Teeming – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Teeming (adjective) /ti:miŋ/ Fertile, in abundance, highly productive, be full of Example: He walked briskly through the teeming streets The streets teem with hustling, bustling humanity, hag-like beggar women, street urchins and drunken revellers urinating against inn walls, all rubbing shoulders with the gentry in their smart clothes and carriages



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Word of the Day – Trivial

Trivial – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Trivial (adjective) /ˈtrɪvɪəl/ of little importance Synonym: Paltry Antonym: gross, momentous Example: There are several lessons to be learned from this incident, some trivial, some quite important. And the pressure to conform to all these trivial values is absolutely enormous.



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Word of the Day – Provisional

Provisional – WORD OF THE DAY (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Provisional (adjective) /prəˈvɪʒənl/ Temporary, for the time being Synonym: Tentative Collocation:  a provisional government provisional arrangements Example: The actual state of our knowledge is always provisional and … there must be, beyond what is actually known, immense new regions to discover. Science is like literature, a continuing dialog among diverse and conflicting voices, no one ever wholly right or wholly wrong, but a steady conversation forever provisional and personal and living.



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