Word of the Day – Platitude

Platitude – WORD OF THE DAY (for Writing Task 2) Platitude (noun) /ˈplætɪtuːd/ a dull or commonplace remark; a comment or statement that has been made very often before and is therefore not interesting Synonym: bromide, truism, axiom Example:  The article was filled with platitudes about the systematic character of the industrial economy.



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Word of the Day – Petrify

Petrify – Word of the Day (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Petrify (verb)  /ˈpetrɪfaɪ/ make somebody feel extremely frightened Synonym: terrify, stupefy, stun, bewilder, amaze Example: Just the thought of making a speech petrifies me.



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Word of the Day – Novice

 Novice – Word of the Day (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Novice (noun) /ˈnɒvɪs/  a beginner | a person who is new and has little experience in a skill, job or situation Synonym: tyro, neophyte Antonym: virtuoso Example:  I’m a complete novice at IELTS He was accepted as a novice at the age of sixteen, and sent to pursue his studies at the College Louis le Grand in Paris.



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Word of the Day – Proximity

Proximity – Word of the Day (for Speaking and Writing Task 2) Proximity (noun) /prɒkˈsɪməti/ Nearness | the state of being near somebody/something in distance or time Example: The area has a number of schools in close proximity to each other. The proximity of the college to London makes it very popular. House prices in the area are elevated by its proximity to London.



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Word of the Day – Feasible

FEASIBLE – Word of the Day ( Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking & IELTS Writing ) FEASIBLE Adjective – /ˈfiː.zə.bəl/ Meaning: workable; possible to do Antonym: impracticable Example:  It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical? We are drawing up the most feasible solution to this serious problem. Is it economically feasible to implement these strategies in an efficient and effective way?

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Word of the day – Oblige

Oblige – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking & Writing Oblige (Verb) /əˈblɑɪdʒ/ Meaning: To force somebody to do something | To do a service or favor for | To make indebted or grateful  Synonym: Compel, force, bind Collocation: To oblige somebody to do something be delighted to, be glad to, be (only too) happy to + oblige duly/kindly oblige Example:  For IELTS Writing: Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school. For IELTS Speaking: Kate was obliged to read the book.  I am obliged to you for your gracious hospitality  

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

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Word of the Day – Stringent

Stringent – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking & Writing Stringent (adjective) /ˈstrɪn(d)ʒ(ə)nt/ Meaning: A law, rule, regulation is very strict that must be obeyed Synonym: strict, tight, tough, harsh Collocation: stringent law/control/rule/test Example: IELTS Writing: Safety standards were less stringent in those days. IELTS Speaking: I was so happy to move out of my parents’ house and escape their stringent rules.

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

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Word of the Day – Dominate

Dominate – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking & Writing Dominate (verb) /ˈdɒm.ɪ.neɪt/ Meaning: to have control over a place or person Synonyms:   overlook, prevail Collocation: completely, entirely, totally, overwhelmingly, increasingly dominate Example:  IELTS Speaking: They work as a group – no one person is allowed to dominate. His work increasingly dominates his life. IELTS Writing: Territorial disputes in the South China Sea is likely to dominate the news. Exercise:  Choose the following words to fill in the blank: dominance, negate, circumstances, technical, unjustified 1. His discoveries in evolution lead him to __________ his former religious beliefs. 2. Witnesses...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Word of the Day – Sedentary

Sedentary – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking & Writing Sedentary: (Adjective) /ˈsɛd(ə)nt(ə)ri/ Meaning: Spending a lot of time on sitting down, and not moving or exercise very much. Synonyms: inactive, sluggish, idle. Antonyms: activated, energetic, moving. Collocations: Sedentary lifestyle/job/life. Example: Actually, I don’t like this job too much. I’ve sat down and kept my eyes glued to screen whole day, so it’s definitely a sedentary job. People become more obese than before due to their sedentary lifestyles.

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Notwithstanding – Word of the Day for IELTS

Notwithstanding – Word of the Day for IELTS Writing & Speaking Notwithstanding (preposition) \ˌnät-with-ˈstan-diŋ\ Meaning: in spite of something Synonym: in spite of the fact that; although, nevertheless, despite Antonym: because of; on account of Example:  It was the same material, notwithstanding the texture seemed different. Notwithstanding the long delay, I still decided to set out for my journey. Exercise: Fill in the gap, using given words: notwithstanding, reluctant, levied, undergo, panel, integrity, convince, colleagues, enormous, albeit 1. The airport has _______________ a $10 surcharge for every passenger to cover the cost of renovations to the facility. 2. She has...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Word of the Day – Compensate

Compensate – Word of the Day for IELTS Speaking & Writing Compensate (verb) /ˈkɒm.pən.seɪt/ Meaning: to replace or balance the effect of something bad |  pay money for a loss/injury Word Family: compensatory play\kəm-ˈpen(t)-sə-ˌtȯr-ē\ adjective compensative play\ˈkäm-pən-ˌsā-tiv, -ˌpen-; kəm-ˈpen(t)-sə-\ adjective compensator play\ˈkäm-pən-ˌsā-tər, -ˌpen-\ noun   Collocation:  ADV. amply, fully | more than compensate PREP. for Eg: The advantages of the scheme more than compensate for the risks associated with it For IELTS Speaking: My hard work & diligence compensate for my lack of skill. For IELTS Writing: The government will compensate workers for their loss of earnings during economic recession....



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Analogy – Word Of The Day

Analogy – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Analogy: (Noun) /əˈnæl.ə.dʒi/ Definition: Something that seems similar between two situations, processes etc. Synonyms: Correlation, Parallel, Resemblance. Collocations: With adjective: close/good analogy. With verb: draw/find/make/use analogy. Example: For IELTS Speaking: “A close analogy with the art of singing can be made here.” “I have used the analogy of the structure of a document to describe the basis of the curriculum.” For IELTS Writing: ” We may draw an analogy between geriatrics and paediatrics, another age-based medical specialism.” Exercise: Choose the following words to fill in the blank: analogy, refine,...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Prohibit – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Prohibit – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Prohibit: (Verb) /prəˈhɪb.ɪt/ Definition: to say that an action is illegal or not allowed. Synonyms: Ban, Forbid, Block, Outlaw Collocations: Prohibit activity/discrimination/member/sale Company/constitution/government/injunction/law/legislation/policy/power/regulation/rule/state/statute prohibit Example: For IELTS Speaking: “California law prohibits housing discrimination based on marital status.” “Army regulations prohibit public displays of affection by soldiers, and private hideaways are hard to come by. For IELTS Writing: “Finally, some states prohibit superintendents from participation in a bargaining unit with teachers.” Exercise: 1. During the _______________ period of the Mayan civilization, the great city of Tikal thrived in dense lowland...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Isolate – Word Of The Day

Isolate – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking and Writing Isolate: (Verb) /ˈaɪ.sə.leɪt/ Definition: To separate one person, group, or thing from other people or things Synonyms:  Separate, Confine, Detach, Insulate, Divide Collocations: With noun: isolate attempt/community/gene/group/rest/world With verb: become/feel/remain/try Example: For IELTS Speaking: “The town was isolated by the floods.” “New born babies must be isolated from possible contamination.” For IELTS Writing: “It is impossible to isolate political responsibility from moral responsibility.” Exercise: Choose the following words to fill in the blank: isolated, topics, classics, dynamic, sole, adapt, couple, prohibits, finite, identical. Disney’s early cartoon features are now...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Diminish – Word Of The Day

Diminish – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking and Writing Diminish: (Verb) /dɪˈmɪn.ɪʃ/ Definition:  To become or make something become smaller or less. Synonyms:  Reduce, Decline, Decrease, Fall, Drop. Collocations: Diminish further/gradually/greatly/rapidly/significantly/steadily. Example:  For IELTS Speaking: “The average rainfall has diminished by around 30 percent.” “Support for the government is steadily diminishing.” For IELTS Writing: “Unemployment rate has diminished in the past few months.” Exercise:  Choose the following words to fill in the blank: found, diminish, route, bulk, norm, concurrent, qualitative, team, accommodate, mature. The _______________ of India’s thriving movie industry is based in Bombay. Falling to sleep to...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Identical – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Identical – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking and Writing Identical: (Adjective)  /aɪˈden.tɪ.kəl/ Definition:  Exactly the same, or very similar Synonyms: Indistinguishable, Equal, Exact. Collocations:  With Verb: Appear/be/look/seem/remain identical. With Adverb: Absolutely/completely/exactly/almost/more or less/practically/virtually identical With Preposition: Identical to/with/in Example: For IELTS Speaking: “The ingredients are identical with those of competing products.” “The sisters were identical in appearance and character.” For IELTS Writing: “Twins, being of identical ages, are usually even better matched on environmental variables during upbringing than are siblings.” Exercise: Choose the following words to fill in the blank: isolated, topical, classical, dynamically, solely, adapted, coupled, prohibition,...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Manipulate – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Manipulate – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Manipulate: (Verb) /məˈnɪp.jə.leɪt/ Definition: To make someone think and behave exactly as you want them to, by skillfully deceiving or influencing them. Synonyms:  Influence, Impact, Effect. Collocations: Successfully/delicately/skillfully/deliberately/systematically/genetically manipulate. Example: For IELTS Speaking: ” My leader was one of those men who manipulated people.” “You have the constant feeling you are being manipulated.“ For IELTS Writing: ” The thought that any parent would manipulate their child into seeking fame just appalled people.” Exercise: Choose the following words to fill in the blank: commodity, thereby, restoring, currency, appreciate, widespread, practitioners,...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Incompatible – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Incompatible – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Incompatible: (Noun) /ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl/ Definition: Two actions, ideas, etc. that are incompatible are not acceptable or possible together because of basic differences Synonyms:  Conflicting, Inappropriate, Unsuitable. Collocations: With adverb:largely | somewhat | apparently, seemingly | potentially | simply | basically, fundamentally | clearly | mutually incompatible. With preposition: incompatible with Example: For IELTS Speaking: “These two objectives are mutually incompatible.” “This behaviour is completely incompatible with his role as a teacher.“ For IELTS Writing: “The hours of the job are incompatible with family life.” Exercise: Choose the following words to...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Suspension – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Suspension – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Suspension: (Noun) /səˈspenʃn/ Definition: The act of officially removing somebody from their job, school, team, etc. for a period of time, usually as a punishment Synonyms:  Delay, Interruption, Postponement. Collocations: With adjective: total | brief, temporary | lengthy, long | immediate | automatic suspension With verb:  impose, order, get, incur suspension With preposition: under suspension, suspension from Example: For IELTS Speaking: ” Another caution will result in his automatic suspension from the final..” “A five-week suspension was imposed on him.“ For IELTS Writing: ” Many movies require the viewer...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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Debatable – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Debatable – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing Debatable: (Adjective) /dɪˈbeɪtəbl/ Definition: Not certain because people can have different ideas and opinions about the thing being discussed. Synonyms:  Controversial, Arguable, Questionable. Collocations:  Highly, Very debatable Example: For IELTS Speaking: “This is a highly debatable point.” “Whether he actually wanted that one was debatable, but he certainly acted pleased with it.” For IELTS Writing: “It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families.” Exercise: Choose the following words to fill in the blank: debatable, ethnicity, implications, retain, overall, commitment, labelled, prior, sums, apparently.  I wasn’t there,...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

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