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IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests with Suggested Answers for IELTS 2025
In the following page, you will find IELTS speaking topics with answers and also IELTS Speaking recent Actual tests & suggested answers. These are provided to prepare you for questions you may get and on how to answer them. Although there are common topics that come up, they can also differ slightly, so avoid trying to memorize and use the same sample answers. The examiners are experienced and will be able to spot if you are using learned responses as you will not sound natural. The following IELTS speaking actual tests & suggested answers are based on part 1 of...

4 min read
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Describe a Memorable Moment that Happened while Using Your Mobile Phone – IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3
Buy Now! Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions on Describe a Memorable Moment that Happened while Using Your Mobile Phone Unforgettable Meaning: something that is so remarkable or impactful that it cannot be easily forgotten Example: The trip to Switzerland was an unforgettable experience for Ramya. Pomp Meaning: grandeur or splendor, often associated with formal ceremonies or events Example: The family celebrated the grandson’s birthday with pomp. Knocked (someone) down with a feather Meaning: convey extreme surprise or shock Example: When they shouted from behind the sofa in the dark, they knocked down Bithi with...

31 min read
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IELTS Podcast 1: Recent IELTS Speaking Test in Canada – 2018 & Band 9 Sample Answers + Audio
Speaking Part 1 1What is your full name? My name is Ridhima Saxena 2Can I see your ID? Yes , Here is my id 3 Where are you from? I m from the fourth biggest city in India which is Delhi.This city is also known as the city of kings because of its beautiful history . Delhi is also the Capital of India. It is popular for its delicious food and historical monuments. 4Do you work or study? Currently, I study in one of the top most universities in India which has a friendly and helpful faculty. They not only...

7 min read
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