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Recent IELTS Letter Writing Topics 2024
The IELTS General Training exam is divided into two parts – Task 1 and Task 2. IELTS Writing Task 1 for this exam type is always letter writing and you are asked to write at least 150 words. In order to complete the task, it is advisable to spend 20 minutes, as it is responsible for 30% of the total general training exam. You will be assessed on your ability to communicate about common practical matters in IELTS General Writing Task 1. The prompt requires you to write a letter to someone, a company, or an institution to answer the...

3 min read
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IELTS General Writing Task 1 Samples with Answers
IELTS General Writing Task 1 requires you to write a letter in response to a given situation. This task assesses your ability to communicate effectively, using appropriate tone and structure for different scenarios. In this blog, we will explore ways to approach writing task 1 general, IELTS general writing task 1 with answers and provide you with IELTS general training writing task 1 sample with answer PDF to help you ace this section. If you want to know about the IELTS Writing Task 1 of IELTS General exam, check the pointers given in the video given below. IELTS General Writing...

4 min read
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Top 20 Important Collocations for IELTS
It is widely acknowledged that collocations play an important role in second language learning, particularly at the intermediate and advanced levels. However, it is noticeable that IELTS exam learners often face difficulties with collocations. In this blog, we will learn what is collocation, common collocation structures and collocation words that will help you achieve Band 7 or above. So, mastering these essential collocations for IELTS Writing and Speaking can make all the difference! Collocations for IELTS and their Importance Collocations are the natural combination of words or the correct arrangement of words in a sentence. They enhance the improvement of...

7 min read
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Recent IELTS Writing Task 1 Topics Academic with Model Answers
The Academic Writing Task 1 is one of the important sections which appears in the IELTS exam and you can prepare for the same with the recent IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 topics with answers. By exploring these recent IELTS writing task 1 topics academic, you will get yourself familiarised with the structure. This article focuses on recent IELTS Writing Task 1 topics academic with sample answers, along with an overview of what the task is about. Overview of IELTS Academic Writing Task 1In Writing Task 1 of IELTS Academic, you are required to use your own words to describe...

5 min read
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Advice about Learning a New Sport – IELTS Writing Task 1 (Informal Letter)
Table of Contents[Show] Question – Advice about Learning a New Sport Band 7 Sample Answer Band 8 Sample Answer Band 9 Sample Answer Informal letters in IELTS General Writing Task 1 are meant to assess your ability to communicate through writing on a day to day basis as they mostly deal with advising your friend, asking for suggestions, invitation, etc. The best way to master IELTS General Writing Task 1 is to practice informal letter topics, like ‘Advice about Learning a New Sport’ from Cambridge IELTS 17 General Training Test 1 and other letter writing topics and practice tests. So,...

4 min read
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How to Improve IELTS Writing Score from 6.5 to 7?
A person with an IELTS Writing score of 6.5 shows that he is competent and can open in a classroom environment. Getting band 7 means you need to be at B2 on the Common European Framework, therefore you have to be realistic and understand that you won’t make this up in a week as claimed by certain YouTubers.In this article, you will learn what to expect while improving your IELTS Writing score, how to do that and why it is hard to achieve an IELTS band score of 7.What to expect?Do you remember the first time you tried attempting the...

5 min read
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A Complete Guide to IELTS Writing Topics Task 2
A Complete Guide to IELTS Writing Topics Task 2: Preparing for the IELTS exam can be overwhelming, especially regarding IELTS writing. This guide covers IELTS writing topics task 2 with answers, and recent IELTS essay samples to help you excel. Check out the recent IELTS writing topics task 2, practice with IELTS writing task 2 sample answers, and get familiar with IELTS questions writing task 2. Whether you're looking for IELTS topics for writing task 2 with answers or detailed IELTS essay examples, this comprehensive guide has everything you need to improve your writing and achieve higher IELTS band score!...

18 min read
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Should I Indent my Paragraphs in IELTS Writing?
For IELTS Writing Task 1 and task 2, students often wonder whether they need to indent the first sentence of a paragraph or not. Well, in Computer-based IELTS, earlier, it was common to leave space at the start of each paragraph to make it clear to the examiner which sentences are part of a new paragraph and which are not.In the IELTS Writing exam, you can leave one line empty between each paragraph instead of indenting. So, when writing your IELTS task 1 and task 2 answers, start your sentences at the beginning of the line and skip one line...

3 min read
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How to Express Your Mixed Feelings in IELTS Writing & Speaking?
Expressing mixed feelings can be challenging in IELTS writing and IELTS Speaking. This guide will help you master the art of articulating complex emotions and nuanced viewpoints, offering practical tips and examples to enhance your language skills and improve your IELTS score to band 7.0+ 1. Mixed Feelings/EmotionsWhen somebody feels both pleased and displeased about something at the same time, we can say that they have mixed feelings about it. Example: I have mixed feelings about studying abroad – in some ways nervous, but also quite excited. 2. Ambivalent/Have Ambivalent feelings towards somethingIf you have two opposing feelings at the...

2 min read
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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Essays
The essay writing section of the IELTS Writing Task 2 module can be a difficult task for many IELTS aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS by practicing various model essay topics.A well-organized essay will help you score a desirable band on the writing test. A lot of the candidates who take the writing test will need at least 5-10 minutes to prepare for the essay once they get the topic. If you consider certain points while writing the essay, it’ll get a bit easier to get a high IELTS band...

5 min read
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IELTS Opinion essays (Essay on Education)
Most of the students are scared of ‘Writing task 2’ of the IELTS exam. The test-takers will be given only 40 minutes to complete the 250-word essay. The essays will be opinion-based. In this section, the examiners will assess the fluency and task response. Structure of IELTS essay Since there are plenty of topics in IELTS writing task 2, it is difficult to predict which topic will appear in the actual IELTS test. You should be a Jack of all trades ( have some knowledge on every topic). If it is an opinion essay then you can follow this structure...

3 min read
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How To Write a Complex Sentence in IELTS Writing?
IELTS aspirants often find the Writing section challenging, and they believe that by using complicated sentences in IELTS, they will be able to achieve a 7+ band score. They are aware that they must use complex sentences, but they are unsure what complex sentences entail. Hence, they sometimes make errors and lose marks when attempting to compose unnecessary complex sentences. Let’s first understand why writing complex sentences is necessary. When you look at the IELTS Marking Criteria, you’ll see that: To get a band 6 in grammar, you should use a combination of basic and complex sentences. Similarly, for band...

3 min read
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IELTS General Training and Academic Writing Differences
Decided to take the IELTS exam, but not sure what category you fall in? Are you trying to know the difference between Academic and General Writing tasks? Don’t worry. We got you covered. Understanding the difference IELTS Academic: IELTS Academic exam is for individuals who wish to go to English-speaking countries for higher education purposes. IELTS General: IELTS General training exam is for those who wish to migrate to English-speaking countries for training or work. How are the exams different? Both General Training and Academic exams evaluate your English proficiency skills based on 4 parameters – Speaking, Listening, Reading, and...

4 min read
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Improve IELTS General Training Letter
The IELTS General exam is for those who wish to migrate to an English speaking country for work. IELTS General Writing task 1 evaluates your English writing abilities by asking you to write a letter. In IELTS, General Writing task 1 involves letter writing, usually formal, semi-formal, or informal. Dedicate 20 minutes to write a letter and do not write less than 150 words. If you write less than 150 words, you will end up with a low score. So, make sure you take care of the word limit while writing the letter. Sample: Semi-Formal Letter You live in a...

4 min read
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Is Accent Important in the IELTS Speaking Test?
Have you ever wondered if an accent is needed for the IELTS Speaking test? Well, you are not alone. There are many IELTS aspirants who ask whether accent will affect their IELTS band score. The answer to this question is an absolute no. Your pronunciation, not your accent, determines your IELTS Speaking test score. Moreover, using an unnecessary and unnatural accent in the IELTS Speaking test will negatively affect your score. Your performance on the IELTS Speaking test is assessed on the basis of 4 parameters. Fluency: How fluently you can convey your thoughts and ideas. Grammar and Accuracy: How...

3 min read
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How to Write a Formal Letter
The IELTS General writing task 1 is always letter writing. In this task, you are given a situation or problem, and based on the issue or situation, you are asked to write a formal, informal, or semi-formal letter in at least 150 words. The IELTS letter types are as follows: Formal Semi-Formal Informal In this article, we are going to focus on Formal letter writing. But, what is a Formal Letter? A formal letter is a letter written to someone you do not know, such as professional people, officials, firms, stores, hotels etc.. In short, they are written to people...

3 min read
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How to Write An IELTS Informal Letter?
Writing an IELTS informal letter for IELTS General Training Task 1 can be easy, but to really impress, you'll need to get it just right. Whether writing to a friend or family member, your letter should be friendly yet well-structured. This guide will show you the essential parts of a successful informal letter, from greeting to closing. Get ready to enhance your skills and shine in your IELTS writing! An informal letter is addressed to someone you know personally, such as a friend, relative, or acquaintance, and is written in a friendly tone. Examples of informal letter prompts in the...

3 min read
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15 Days’ Practice for IELTS Writing for both Academic and General Training
15 days practice for IELTS writing Is the book written for the students to prepare for IELTS exam in short time with the step by step structure or a plan. These books will be suitable both for Academic as well as General Training test.Some IELTS learners asked me how to polish up IELTS Writing skills in a restricted period of time (15 days). My advice is that you should follow this “15 Days’ Practice for IELTS Writing” Schedule:Day 1: The IELTS Writing Test (Length of Time, Test Format, Marking Criteria, Skills for the Writing Module) Day 2: Mini-Writing Practice Day...

1 min read
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IELTS Essays on Technology – Discussion and Opinion Essays
Writing essays is a crucial component of any coursework because it forces you to do things like clarify and organise ideas and information, analyse sources, and employ critical judgement, it improves knowledge and aids in the learning process. At school or college, every student is required to write essays.Well-organized essays will help you know how to get a high score in IELTS in the IELTS examination. Proper planning is the key to writing good essays. You need to give yourself at least 10 minutes to frame the content before you start IELTS Writing. The essay should contain 4-5 paragraphs and...

7 min read
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21+ Tips On How to Improve Your IELTS Writing Band Score
Are you gearing up for the IELTS and aiming to ace the writing component? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through 21+ essential tips to answer your question on ‘How to Improve Your IELTS Writing Band Score.’ Whether you’re tackling the Academic or General Training module, mastering these strategies will help you boost your performance and achieve your desired results. A multitude of IELTS learners ask me how to boost their IELTS score to Band 7.0 or higher. It’s not an easy question to answer. Fortunately, there are many tips you can make use of. Below,...

11 min read
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