IELTS Listening Practice Test 4 Solution & Transcript
This blog provides detailed solutions and a transcript for IELTS Listening Practice Test 4. Review your answers and use the transcript to identify areas for improvement to boost your IELTS score.
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It might be difficult to understand the IELTS Listening test, particularly when it comes to interpreting and correctly responding to questions in a rush. In this blog, we'll provide you with the solutions and the complete transcript of IELTS Listening Practice Test 4 to help you understand the subtleties of each part. Let's examine the specifics and identify the crucial components for a better practice of the other IELTS listening practice tests so that can improve your score.
It is better to keep the questions and audio of the IELTS Listening Practice Test 4 in handy in order to tally the answers and gain a better understanding.
Solution for IELTS Listening Practice Test 04
It's time to review your answers for IELTS Listening Practice Test 04, compare them with the correct ones, and identify areas to improve for a top IELTS band score.
Section 1 | Section 2 | |
1. C | 11. Royal Hospital College | |
2. in the library | 12. in 1694 | |
3. around five | 13&14. A, E (in any order) | |
4. C | 15. 1963 | |
5. Y | 16. C | |
6. in the cupboard | 17. choir and orchestra | |
7&8. C, D (in any order) | 18. Romans | |
9. paper napkins | 19. healthy mind | |
10. rucksack | 2. B | |
Section 3 | Section 4 | |
21. C | 31. C | |
22. dependent | 32. psychology | |
23. 5/ five | 33. organisational culture | |
24. B | 34. process | |
25. False | 35. authorities | |
26. True | 36. common perception | |
27. obese | 37. A | |
28. fast food; week | 38. their share prices | |
29. exercise | 39. biggest financial backers | |
30. no muscle | 40. national energy plan |
Transcript for IELTS Listening Practice Test 04
Transcripts are a very useful tool for improving comprehension and listening abilities when preparing for the IELTS exam. With the help of transcripts, which let you listen to the audio content at your own pace, you can learn how to recognize spoken language structure, new IELTS vocabulary, and details that were missed. Also, you can strengthen your ability to recognize specific information—like numbers, dates, and names—which is frequently assessed in the exam by reading along with the audio. This approach improves your listening comprehension while also increasing your self-assurance in managing different accents and speech patterns, which will eventually result in a higher IELTS score.
(Go to next page to view Transcript)
Section 1
Fred: Mary, thank God you’re here. We’ve a ton of work to do if we’re going to get everything ready for tonight. Whose idea was it to have this going-away party for Christ, anyway?
Mary: It was your idea. Fred. Remember?
Fred: Hey, I suggested a small get-together for a few dose friends. I didn’t mean inviting half the university!
Mary: Well, it’s too late now. We have about three hours to get everything under control. Have you got that list of things we need to do?
Fred: Yeah, it’s in my room. Hang on, I’ll go get it. (sound of feet going then coming back) Hell! I can’t find it.
Mary: What do you mean “you can’t find it”?
Fred: I can’t find it! What do you think I mean? Damn, I remember, I left it in the library!
Mary: OK, OK, cool down. We’ll manage. I can remember what’s on it. Let’s check the food and drink situation. Did you arrange the beer?
Fred: Yeah, Jim said he’d bring ten cases of cold Budweiser, ice and a couple of big bins to keep it cold. Says he’ll get here around five.
Maiy: Huh, you know Jim, he’ll probably turn up drunk around midnight.
Fred: No problem. I phoned him a few minutes ago. He’s at Jenny’s place. She’s keeping him away from alcohol until he’s delivered everything safe and sound. What about the wine? You said you’d look after it.
Mary: Oh my god! I completely forgot. What’s the time?
Fred: Half past three.
Mary: OK, I’ll go to the liquor store and sort it out. Will they deliver?
Fred: No problem, but you’ll have to pay up front.
Mary: I reckon about 60 people will turn up. Allow for half a bottle a person, that makes 30 bottles. Half red, half white. What do you think?
Fred: That should be enough. Better to have too much than too little. Why not make it 40? 25 red and 15 white.
Mary: Yeah, I guess most people prefer red. Where’s the nearest liquor store?
Fred; Not far. Go out the front door, turn right. Sorry, left. Take the second street on your right and it’s 300 yards down on the left, just before you get to the park.
Mary: OK. I’ll go in a few minutes. Let’s first make a quick list to make sure we haven’t forgotten anything. Glasses, glasses, what about glasses?
Fred: Sally borrowed a hundred beer glasses and a hundred wine glasses from the student bar. They’re in the cupboard. Should be enough.
Mary: Yeah, should be. What about the barbecue?
Fred: I’ve got two barbecues and plenty of charcoal out the back, And Jane and I spent three hours yesterday getting the steaks, chicken legs and sausages ready. They’re all in the big fridge. Should taste terrific – tons of garlic, pepper and soy sauce. No MSG.
Mary: Sounds good. What about plates and things?
Fred: Sally has looked after that as well. She’s borrowed them from the bar, too. They’re in the cupboard with the glasses. You know, Sally refuses to use throwaway things. Bad for the environment.
Mary: Good for her.
Fred: Oh, just remembered. Could you pick up another twenty loaves of French bread and a few packets of paper napkins?
Mary: No problem. Is there a shop on the way?
Fred: There’s a supermarket just before you get to the liquor store. Can you manage everything, or should I go with you?
Mary: I’ll manage. I’ve got this huge rucksack. No problem. Damn, just remembered. I’m over my limit on my credit card. Have you got five hundred dollars on you? We’ll work out who owes who how much later. ,
Fred: No Problem. I took out a thousand dollars this morning. Here’s five hundred.
Mary: Ta. Ok, I’ll get going. See you in a while.
Fred: Ciao. See you.
Good morning, everybody, and welcome to Royal Hospital College what a beautiful September day you’ve brought with you. My name is Richard Thomas. I’m the head of the chemistry Department, and today it’s my pleasure to introduce our wonderful college to you. Normally the dean, Professor John Thomas – yes, we share the same surname – likes to do this, but unfortunately he has a bad case of flu, so he’s doing the sensible thing and staying in bed. He sends his apologies, but you’ll be meeting him soon, so no big problem.
I’m sure you are all so excited at the thought of studying here that you have read all about the history of our school. But for those who haven’t, I’ll give you a brief summary as we walk around. The college was originally founded in – anybody know? – yes, 1694 by William and Mary of Orange. Can you remember your high school history? Right. William of Orange was a Dutch prince, married to King James IPs eldest daughter, Mary. 1694, poor Queen Mary died of smallpox the same year.
Actually, the school was not a school in those days; it was a hospital for retired sailors of the Royal Navy. And it wasn’t here, in the beautiful countryside of cast England; it was located in what is now east London, on the banks of the River Thames. Back in those days, it was also in the countryside, but London grew and grew, and by the end of the 19th century, it was surrounded by houses and smoky factories. So, after the Second World War, a New Zealand millionaire named Sir Gifford Rcadc kindly save the school 65 million pounds to move to here. He was an architect, and he designed much of the beautiful school that you see today. It opened in 1963. And if you look to your right, there is a statue of Sir Gifford Reade, facing that other large statue of Queen Victoria.
OK, let’s jump back to the 1700s. In the 1780s, the Royal Hospital was changed into a school for the orphans of officers and men of the Royal Navy, and they added the word ‘college’ to the name. For nearly a hundred years it was co-educational, but in’1868, the board of governors decided to make it boys only. Much more boring, don’t you think? And it stayed that way right up until 1991, when the school became co-educational again.
OK, and here we are at the school church. Do we have any musicians with us? You? Wonderful, what do you play? Piano and organ. Oh, you’ll love it here. Our church has the largest organ in England, and we often have recording companies, the BBC, et cetera, coming here to record. And our staff and students are more than welcome to play it. In fact, there’s a waiting list, it’s very popular. In fact, the school is very well known for its choir and orchestra. I sing in the choir, and last summer we toured North America. Great fun!
A healthy mind in a healthy body, as the Romans used to say, which brings us to our gym and swimming pool. Both are open from six in the morning till eleven at night, seven days a week. The gym has everything you need for aerobics, weight training, martial arts, basketball, gymnastics, and even an indoor running track. So there’s no excuse for not keeping fit. And of course we have all the usual team sports: soccer, basketball – our women’s basketball team won the all-England Universities Championship this year – rugby, water polo. No American football. So you see, we are quite a sporty lot here.
And we also study sometimes. Here’s the main library. I’m afraid we can’t go in because it’s being redecorated. It’s supposed to open again this Wednesday, but it looks to me that it’ll be a bit late.
And here’s the coffee shop. Why don’t we stop here for a drink? Agree? Jolly good!
John: Hi, Ann. How’s it going? Thank goodness I’ve finished that survey on television watching and reading ability. What was your survey on?
Ann: I told you before. I wanted to find out if there is any relationship between how fat students are and how many times they eat at fast food restaurants.
John: That’s right. I’d forgotten. Have you got your report finished, all the graphs and charts, that sort of thing?
Ann: Almost done, What about you?
John: All ready to present to the class, apart from one or two small things, Actually, my results are really interesting. Want me to tell you what I found?
Ann: Sure. If you promise to let me tell you what I found.
John: No problem. Anyway, look at this graph here. On the X axis I have the dependent variable, reading level.
Ann: How did you measure reading level?
John: I used the English Department test. And on the Y axis I have number of hours usually spent watching television every week.
Ann: Thirteen to 19. 20 to 29. 30 to 39. 40 to 49 and 50 to 59. What are these numbers?
John: The people’s ages. I managed to get exactly 20 people from each age group to do the test. Took me ages!
Ann: And what did you find out?
John; Well, look at this. If we take the 100 people as one group, we see that the more television people watch, the worse their reading level.
Ann: That’s not surprising. But did you find any significant difference between the different age groups?
John: You bet. OK. This is the curve for the group as a whole. These lines are for the different age groups. See what I see?
Ann: Wow, that’s fascinating! The two youngest groups are very similar. Big difference between the oldest two groups and the youngest two. The older the people are, the less the correlation between reading level and hours spent in front of the TV. Why do you think that is?
John: Well, I need to do more research before I can say for sure. But from talking to the people, it’s clear that over the past thirty years, most people have been watching more television and reading fewer books. But the older people …
Ann: Don’t tell me. They spent more time reading when they were young than young people nowadays, so they learnt to read well and even though they spend more time in front of the TV than they used to. their reading levels stay the same.
John: Hey, you’re pretty smart. That’s exactly what I think. But I need to do more research before I can say for sure. How about your survey?
Ann: Nothing surprising. Well, actually, one thing is really interesting. Look, this is the number of times people usually go to a fast food place every week, and these are the percentages of people who are normal weight, overweight or obese, meaning really really fat. Look, no fast food, only about 5% are obese. And look, 12 or more, about a third. And another graph we have the number of hours they exercise every week.
John: Wow, a big difference! More junk food, less exercise, more fat! I didn’t think it would be so obvious. That’s great work. Why do you think people who exercise more tend to eat less junk food?
Ann: I asked everyone about that, and found that people who care about their health do more exercise and eat fewer French fries and all that other greasy fast food stuff. Simple.
John: That makes sense. But I see you found lots of people who eat the stuff more than once a day on average. I can’t believe it.
Ann: You’d be surprised. You’re right.
John: Hey, who’s this guy – more than twelve a week! I bet it was Richard, He must weigh 260 kilos! And he’s pretty short, all fat, no muscle.
Ann: You’re right. And he drinks tons of soft drinks, All that sugar!
John: OK, that’s it. Healthy food only from now on.
Ann: And get to the gym, fatty!
Section 4
Good evening. Welcome once again to Criminology 201. I’m happy to see you all looking so alert and full of energy after a busy day. Tonight, and for the next few weeks, we will be looking at what is clearly a very important topic – corporate crime. First of all, what do we mean by ‘corporate crime? The simple answer, of course, is crime com-mitted by a corporation, usually by the heads of a corporation working together. But what about a crime committed by, for example, the CEO of a company who, without the knowledge of his colleagues, bribes a government official in order to get a big fat contract for his company? Well, we won’t be looking at this kind of white-collar crime. Rather, we’ll restrict our study to cases where the top people in a business entity work together and knowingly break the law, and especially those cases where, until they get caught, this type of unlawful behaviour Is actually part of the corporate culture.
First, why do they do it? The simple answer is ‘to make more money’. Well, most businessmen want to make more money, but they don’t break the law to do so. So what factors make a group of men – yes, they are usually men, but women are by no means immune from this temptation – decide to step outside the law? In the next few weeks we’ll be looking into this question, with a lot of case studies, In some depth.
We will also try to divide corporate crime into several categories, and see what they share in common in terms of the psychology and organisational culture of those who commit them. And we will also look into the legal, social, and political settings in which these crimes occur.
A particularly interesting aspect of corporate crime is the process of detection, trial, and punishment. It often seems that this type of crime goes on for an unreasonable length of time before it Is detected by the authorities. Is this true, and If so, why? There is also a common perception that people found guilty of corporate crimes are treated much more leniently by the courts than, for example, your common everyday thief, or murderer even. Is this true, and if so, why?
I mentioned that we will divide corporate crime into several categories and look at some specific cases. What categories can we think of? Well, one is that of product safety, where a company markets a product that it knows to be unsafe. One of the landmark cases in corporate criminology of this type is the Ford Pinto case. Ford was accused of rushing the production of an unsafe car, and in 1980 there was the criminal trial of the Ford Motor Company for reckless homicide. We will look at the research on white-collar crime and studies on organisational culture and structure to examine the lack of safety and recall regulations that may have contributed to as many as 500 deaths. As one report put it, ‘Much of the literature on the Ford Pinto case focuses on how consumer safety was willingly sacrificed in the face of corporate greed.’
Another category of corporate crime is manipulation of a company’s share prices. One form of this is insider trading. Closely related and sometimes very difficult to prove is a kind of creative accounting, whereby, for example, profits are exaggerated in order to drive up a company’s share prices. Take the Enron scandal: On November 29, 2001, the Wall Street Journal ran an article in which they reported that for years, the company may have been President Bush’s biggest financial backers, donating nearly $2 million to his campaigns. And it appeared that the Bush administration’s national energy plan might have been In part an effort to help one of Bush’s largest contributors. So we see politics creeping into this corporate crime question.
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