IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Marking Criteria

In the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, you’ll have to create a factual report of the data that is provided to you. Once completed, you will be assessed and scored based on 4 marking criteria  Vocabulary – 25% Grammatical Accuracy – 25% Task Achievement – 25% Coherence and Cohesion – 25% Vocabulary It’s important to remember that while marking, your vocabulary usage will account to 25% of the test’s total score. So try to work on improving your vocabulary skills. Some tips to focus on while concentrating on the vocabulary are Avoid Spelling Mistakes While practicing for your writing test,...

Ann Smith

Ann Smith

4 min read

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Opening and Closing lines for IELTS General Writing Task 1

Your IELTS Writing General Task 1 consists of letters. These letters may be of any of the three formats given below: Formal Semi-formal Informal All three letters have certain types of opening and closing lines.  Though the content of the letter is crucial, you will also lose marks if you don’t open and close the letter accordingly. Formal letters A formal letter is usually to some private or public institution, such as: Bank Insurance Company Airline Local Council The opening sentence for this kind of formal letter is: Dear sir or madam, The closing sentence for this kind of formal...

Ann Smith

Ann Smith

1 min read

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Post Your IELTS Exam Questions

Hi guys, When you were preparing for your IELTS, did you hope someone would tell you the questions? Did you wish that you would get a glimpse of the questions that appeared in the recent IELTS Tests? Well, you are not alone! A lot of test-takers would want an idea of the recent questions in the tests. And here’s how you can help them out! Type the questions that came up in your test (if you’d taken the test recently) into the comment box below and we will share it with the other test-takers. Questions in any module (listening, reading,...

Ann Smith

Ann Smith

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 : Prepositions

Prepositions are an integral part of any essay question. Especially in IELS Task 1, since you’re describing a diagram or a chart, a lot of prepositions should be used. Here are two examples, a diagram and a chart question of the IELTS Task 1 section. The prepositions are highlighted in both the model answers of these questions. Example 1 (Diagram) You have 20 minutes to complete this task. Write at least 150 words. The diagram below shows how Olive Oil is manufactured. This diagram illustrates the process by which Olive Oil is manufactured. Overall, this is a step-by-step process comprising...



3 min read

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1: What Tense to use?

In this lesson, we’re going to focus on the tenses for IELTS Task 1. In Academic IELTS Writing Task 1, you will be provided with a map, chart, diagram or graph and made to analyse it.  Your IELTS Task 1 is evaluated by the following factors – Coherence and Cohesion, Task Achievement, Vocabulary and Grammar. Grammar includes sentence structure, tenses, punctuation, grammar range, etc.  Thus, it is essential to concentrate on the tenses used in IELTS Task 1. Dates and Tenses Most of the IELTS Task 1 charts have dates along with the information provided. Your form of tense will...



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Visuals: Writing About Graphs, Tables and Diagrams for IELTS Writing Task 1 (Ebook)

One of the best books for IELTS Academic Writing Task 1: Visuals-Writing about Graphs, Tables and Diagrams by Gabi Duigu Introduction and Overview Many books exist that are guides to academic writing for native speakers. There are also a number for non-native speakers. Of these, quite a few deal with the use of graphs, tables and other visuals. However, they normally explain how to insert or use these visuals to make your work more interesting and easy to understand. They do not usually explain how to write about these visual aids. [do_widget id=custom_html-24] The primary purpose of this book is to...



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IELTS Test Format

Introduction The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is widely renowned as a means of assessing the language ability of candidates who wish to study or work in a foreign country where English is the main language of communication. As of today, IELTS is recognized and accepted by many universities in countries like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and so on.  The exam is designed to test all four language skills, i.e the ability to listen, read, write and speak in English. The test is then graded on a 9-band scale (1 being the lowest and 9 being the highest)....



5 min read

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IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Map – Types of Questions, Structure and Techniques

Types of Map Questions in IELTS When it comes to map questions in Writing Task 1, you will come across a variety of them. Jotted down below are some of them to help you understand the gist of these questions: Explaining Data in the Present Scenario This type of question is quite rare as you would have to explain the data about the present day. With such a question type, it could be a bit difficult to explain without making any comparison. Explaining Information In Two Tenses: Present & Future This type of question may come up occasionally, and you...



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What is IELTS?

Introduction IELTS is the International English Language Testing System. It tests all four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is intended for people who want to study or work in an English-speaking country. There are two versions of the test, the Academic module and the General Training module. The Academic module is for those who want to study or train in an English­speaking university. University admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses is based on the results of the Academic test. The General Training module is mainly for those who are going to English-speaking countries to do secondary education...



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