IELTS Speaking Test –Tone

Even though we’re writing our IELTS exams, to get into universities or jobs, we don’t necessarily have to be formal during our speaking test. The IELTS speaking test mainly focuses on your English knowledge. The prime aim of the test is to assess your ability to communicate without any difficulties in a country in which English is the language of communication. Thus, your tone can be informal and not academic or formal. Please remember that during your IELTS test, you’re having a conversation with someone, so you’ve got to sound normal and relaxed for you to ace the test. Here...



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Animal Idioms for IELTS Speaking

Here are useful idioms and expression about Animals to help you answer IELTS questions in a natural way in the IELTS speaking test. As busy as a beaver: extremely busy My BFF is as busy as a beaver with the upcoming arduous test. She has no time for anything else. As quite as a mouse: being extremely quiet She walked into the room as quite as a mouse Take the bull by the horns: face to a difficult or dangerous situation directly and with courage. I decide to take the bull by the horns and tell him he was upsetting...

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

3 min read

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How to agree and disagree in IELTS Speaking? – Vocabulary, Question and Phrases

It is certain that you will be asked to Agree or Disagree with the statement that is given in the IELTS writing task 3. Most of the people will be nervous while taking this test because they will have to give their opinion in this section and they will not be sure whether the opinion given is correct or no. In IELTS Speaking Part, you are certainly asked some Yes – No questions or whether you agree or disagree upon a specific topic. [do_widget id=custom_html-25] Here are some variations to give you an opinion (agree-disagree). There are many more, my...



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Tips to Answer Yes/No Questions in IELTS Speaking

Yes/No questions are often asked during the IELTS speaking test. IELTS candidates can answer these questions with a simple Yes or No. However, this way of answering Y/N questions doesn’t help them score high in IELTS Speaking at all. Therefore, this lesson covers 6 types of Yes/No questions and how to respond to this kind of questions effectively to get IELTS Band score 7.0 or higher. Things to Remember there are few this which a test taker needs to keep in mind while answering yes/no questions. Some of them are given below: The Yes/No question is also called a closed...



4 min read

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21 Phrasal Verbs for IELTS Speaking

Do you want that extra edge, to push your score to Band 8.0 or higher for the IELTS test? Let’s make the most out of 10 English phrasal verbs for IELTS to stand out and get the score you need! You will probably be asked to talk about a plethora of different topics such as Work, Study, Books And Films, Relationships, Physical Appearance, Personality, Music, Food in the IELTS Speaking Section. Native speakers use phrasal verbs all the time in the conversation! Stay well-prepared for these topics with these phrasal verbs to sound more natural and native when speaking informally....



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How to Talk About an Unfamiliar Topic in IELTS Speaking

Are you scared of being asked a question you have never heard before in the IELTS speaking section? Well, let’s find out what to do if you find yourself in this situation! Honestly, the chances of getting an unfamiliar topic depend upon the time you invest in the IELTS preparation. In the IELTS exam, the examiner usually chooses the topics that aspirants are comfortable discussing. However, it is important to note that speaking text evaluates your speaking skills, not your intelligence.  Just to let you know, the IELTS Speaking exam evaluates your performance on the basis of 4 parameters:  Fluency...

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

3 min read

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