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Describe an Expensive thing you Want to Buy in the Future- IELTS Cue Card
In the IELTS Speaking, there are three parts in which one of the sections is the Cue Card section where you should focus on one idea only and then expand that idea into a long meaningful sentence. With the topic, ‘Describe an Expensive thing you Want to Buy in the Future- IELTS Cue Card’, you will enhance your speaking skills and also learn the strategies to attempt it to achieve a band 8+ in the IELTS exam. Remember to practice diligently to score a higher band and utilise the IELTS Speaking Part 2 cue card like this one to describe a luxury...

10 min read
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Describe a Recent Travel Experience - IELTS Cue Card
Read our expert-written sample answers for the cue card topic - Describe an Advertisement You Remember Well - IELTS Cue Card and the IELTS Speaking Part 3 follow-up questions related to it here! The ‘Describe a Recent Travel Experience’ IELTS Speaking Part 2, wants you to talk about a favourite travel experience of yours that you took in recent times and you can explain how you felt about it when you experienced it! Let us now learn the perfect trick of framing answers to the, ‘Describe a Recent Travel Experience' topic to brush up your IELTS Speaking skills! Also, you get to...

8 min read
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Describe Your Hometown: IELTS Speaking Sample Answers
Hometown is a common topic in IELTS Speaking, where you describe where you grew up or currently live. Explore these sample answers to learn how to structure your responses, use descriptive vocabulary, and boost your fluency. Before you start, improve your IELTS Speaking test skills and fluency with the guide below! Hometown – IELTS Speaking Part 1 IELTS Speaking Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking exam is usually a simple interview where you will be asked to introduce yourself and a few basic questions on related topics. So, let’s continue with some questions about your hometown for IELTS Speaking Part...

13 min read
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Describe A Family You Know - IELTS Cue Card
For the IELTS Speaking, the scoring is divided into three parts. One of the parts requires you to talk about only one idea and share your experience with the Cue Card topic, ‘Describe A Family You Know - IELTS Cue Card’. The IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic to describe a family that you are happy to know will allow you to develop your speaking ability and learn the tricks to achieve a band 8+. Remember that diligent practice will help you hone your speaking skills for which you can try answering this cue card to describe a family (not yours)...

7 min read
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Describe an Activity that you Enjoy that Takes Place in or near Water- IELTS Cue Card
Scoring for the IELTS Speaking is divided into three segments, one of which is the IELTS Cue Card Section. This is about speaking for two minutes on one topic and sharing an experience such as with the topic, 'Describe an Activity that you Enjoy that Takes Place in or near Water - IELTS Cue Card.' The IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic to describe an activity that you enjoy that takes place in or near water is going to help you develop your speaking ability and learn the tricks to attain a band 8+. As you practice diligently, it will help...

8 min read
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Describe a Thing You Cannot Live Without – IELTS Cue Card
In the IELTS Speaking, the Cue Card section presents candidates with random topics, challenging them to think on the spot. Each candidate has 1 minute to gather their thoughts before speaking for 2 minutes on topic like 'Describe a Thing You Cannot Live Without.' As you attempt this question, you must provide your personal experience where you must expand the ideas. In the IELTS Speaking Part 2, it evaluates a candidate’s confidence and speaking ability in terms of the candidate’s knowledge of personal feelings towards something important. To score a band 8+, it is necessary to improve the brainstorming before...

11 min read
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Describe a tourist attraction that you have visited – IELTS Cue Card
In the IELTS Speaking, one of the most common types of Questions is the Cue Card Speaking prompt where you will be given one minute to brainstorm and two minutes to speak. As you prepare, the question will prompt you to formulate a response and speak on the given topic like ‘describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting’. To attempt the IELTS Speaking Part 2, you must narrow down the essential questions on the given topic to answer within the given time. The topic, ‘describe a tourist attraction in your country that you would recommend’, aims to help you understand the...

7 min read
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Describe a Positive Change in Your Life – IELTS Cue Card | Band 8+ Tips and Sample Answers
In the IELTS Speaking, you will be asked to speak for 2-3 minutes on a variety of topics such as ‘Describe a Positive Change in Your Life’. The Cue Card Speaking prompt is the common question type which will ask you to describe a specific topic in detail within the given time based on which you will be assessed. As you prepare for the IELTS Speaking Part 2 with the IELTS Speaking Cue Card Positive Change, it is important to improve your speaking skills and become familiar with the structure. The topic will give you an opportunity to practice where you...

10 min read
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50 Recent IELTS Speaking Topics for Part 2 and 3 for IELTS 2025
As the IELTS Speaking exam begins, the examiner will give you a cue card along with paper and pencil, and you have to start preparing for the IELTS speaking questions. You will get 1 minute to prepare for the topic given and 1-2 minutes to speak. The examiner will let you know when to start speaking. So, don’t worry and focus on the speaking topics or questions asked. To help you prepare for the IELTS Speaking, we have enlisted some of the recent and vital IELTS Speaking topics for Part 2. Accompanying them, there will be some related Part 3...

12 min read
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List of IELTS Cue Cards for Topic - Health
We all have come across the famous proverb “Health is wealth” at least once in our lifetime. Indeed, health is our biggest wealth, be it physically or mentally, staying healthy is very important in life. Hence health also becomes an important topic in your IELTS cue card section. You must have some knowledge about general health problems to speak about this topic. Sometimes the examiner might ask you questions related to very common health issues or how you can deal with them. Here you have to use your general knowledge and common sense to deal with the various questions the...

2 min read
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List of IELTS Cue Cards for Topic - Time
Time is a tricky topic. It demands complete command over tenses. You need to know grammar related to the past, present and future. Be through with all the 12 tense forms listed below Past simple Past continuous Past perfect Past perfect continuous Present simple Present continuous Present perfect Present perfect continuous Future simple Future continuous Future perfect Future perfect continuous Familiarising yourself with the above tense forms will help you express yourself in a better way. Now for the vocabulary: On the dot On time Behind time late In the 1 minute time for preparation, concentrate on the grammar and...

2 min read
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List of IELTS Cue Cards for Topic - Child
Children are God’s gift to planet earth. They say that if one keeps a child happy, they are keeping the almighty happy. So, this may become the chance to make your examiner happy and score a high band. All you need to do is take your one minute to find a child you adore the most and recall the best moments you have had together. Even if you don’t have someone to recall, just make the best use of your imagination, then put some good vocabulary into it and voilà! Your work is done. Here are some vocabularies that might...

1 min read
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List of IELTS Cue Cards for Topic – Activity
Hey! It’s fun time. Are you a techie always engrossed in your iphone? Then it’s time you express yourself. If you are adept at solving crosswords or puzzles, then this is the chance to brag about it. There is someone willing to listen. And yes, you need some vocabulary too. Let’s take a look at them. Bookworm If reading is your favourite activity Melomaniac If you are fond of music whiz Good at solving problems Crossword fanatic Good at solving crosswords In the 1 minute given for preparation, you are at crossroads. The two options are: An activity you’re very...

2 min read
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Describe a Historical Place that You Know IELTS Cue Card Sample Answers
In the IELTS Speaking, there are three sections on which you will have to use strategies in order to answer. With the IELTS Speaking topic on ‘Describe a Historical Place that You Know IELTS Cue Card Sample Answers’, get familiar with the strategies as well as the structure to be used to score a band 8+ in the IELTS exam. Our Band 9 sample answer will guide you in crafting a well-structured response. Understanding and using the right vocabulary is crucial for clearly expressing your ideas and making a strong impression, which can help you achieve your desired score. Shall we...

6 min read
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List of IELTS Cue Cards for Topic – Emotions
Well, you can be asked to describe happiness, sorrow, greed, jealousy, hatred, love, and many others. Be objective. Don’t delve deep into any subject matter. If you are asked to describe a moment in your life when you felt very jealous, choose your words and keep a check on your grammar. Don’t get trapped in that emotion – which is jealousy here and go off track. There are a lot of phrases to describe what you feel. Some of them are: In low spirits Indicates sorrow In seventh heaven Indicates happiness Green with envy Indicates jealousy To be smitten love-struck...

2 min read
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List of IELTS Cue Cards for Topic – Life
Does this topic sound too philosophical? Well, it is not. You will be asked to describe a day in your life. So you might have to do a quick recap on what all you do, in a day. Don’t waste your time in trying to make it interesting and entertaining for the person listening. Simply state your daily routine in flawless English and rich vocabulary. In fact, there is no dedicated vocabulary for this topic. You need to strike a balance between adjectives and tenses. Given below are generic adjectives to describe life. mundane dull Materialistic Money minded Spiritual Concerned...

1 min read
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List of IELTS Cue Cards for Topic – Your Country
Our country is our greatest pride. We are always thankful for everything it provides to us. Our country is our identity. We can tell a lot about a person only by knowing about the nation they belong to. This is going to be an easy topic as we will have a lot to say. Anyone can speak about the country they belong to, so having lots of points to speak might not be the greatest advantage here, rather you have to excel in grammar and vocabulary. Given below are some vocabulary that you might put into use Noun: WORDS MEANING...

2 min read
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List of IELTS Cue Cards for Topic – Location/Place
This is an interesting question. The reason is, you need not have travelled to the place to explain all about it. You are rated for your English and not based on the facts. So you can say that you have been to Valparaiso, Egypt, Venice or any other place that comes to your mind. Describe it in a lively manner and you’re sure to score an 8+. But you do need the travel vocabulary at hand. Let’s go over them. Journey Travelling from place A to place B Trip A purposeful journey[ undertaken for business or pleasure] Tour A journey...

3 min read
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Recent IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 & 3 with Model Answers
50 Recent IELTS Speaking Topics 2025 For Band 9 Sample Answers for all Part 1,2,3 topics in 2024, you can take a look at IELTS Speaking Actual Tests 2024 & Suggested Answers (Ebook) The examiner will give you a cue card along with paper and pencil, and as soon as you get the cue card, you have to start preparing for the topic. You will get 1 minute to prepare on the topic given. You’ll then have to speak for about 1-2 minutes. The examiner will let you know when to start speaking. Speak continuously until the examiner asks you...

11 min read
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Describe a Person Who Once Moved to Live With You – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answers
This article contains the Describe a person who once moved to live with you Cue Card Sample Answers. During Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, you will have exactly one minute to prepare and speak on a specific topic. This is the IELTS cue card task. You can learn how to communicate clearly and successfully by reviewing sample answers. This IELTS cue card gives you an opportunity to share one of your opinion of a person who once moved to live with you. Practise IELTS Speaking Part 2 by referencing the Cue Card Sample Answers below. Learn useful idioms...

4 min read
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