Increase Your IELTS Vocabulary Score-Collocation of Proposal

Key Word:Proposal Verb+Proposal Use the correct form of these verbs: approve consider put forward ditch back change Your new proposals are excellent. Make sure you have costed them carefully before you______them______at the next meeting of the board. In the present economic climate, it will be an uphill struggle to get the new proposals for an increase in research spending______. The President was forced to______his proposals for a new space programme after Congress rejected it. Now that I’ve had a chance to______your proposal in more detail, I’m not so sure it’s such a good idea after all. The original proposals for...



2 min read

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Improve your Vocabulary to Boost your IELTS Score-Key Word:Reason

Reason Verb+Reason Use the correct form of these verbs: explain give know have understand see Mel and Frank______every reason to be unhappy. He lost his job last year and now she’s been told she might lose hers! I______no reason for us to depart from our usual practices in this hospital. We will treat the Prime Minister just like any other patient. I could______you any number of reasons for not going to Elizabeth’s party. But just tell her that I’m not feeling very well. I’d like to______the reason why you’re so late. He died suddenly at the age of 21 and...



3 min read

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Improve Your Vocabulary to Ace The IELTS-Key Word:an act of

Key Word:an act of Act of+Noun Complete the sentences with these nouns: generosity terrorism revenge mercy faith treason desperation God The hijackers released two elderly hostages as an act of______. Both had serious heart conditions and needed urgent medical attention. The gift of his whole art collection to the nation was an act of incredible______. Police believe that the murder of two policemen last night was an act of______for the shooting of two gangsters in the recent bank robbery. The attacks of September 11th were the worst acts of______ever committed on American soil. Colonel Briggs was found guilty of selling...



1 min read

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Improve Your Vocabulary for IELTS – Key Word:Space

  Key Word:Space Verb+Space Use the correct form of these verbs: make provide save take up clear stare into find make use of I think we can______a bit of space if we get rid of some of these books. Can we______space for an extra chair so that John can join us? We’ll need to get rid of that old desk. It’s______too much space. Print your name and address clearly in the space______. I think we can______better______the space if we shift this desk over to the window. She just ignored everyone. She just sat there______space. I couldn’t______a space in the car...



2 min read

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Improve Your Vocabulary for IELTS – Key Word:Size

Key Word:Size Expressions with Prepositions Use these prepositions in the sentences. You may use them more than once: into in on up to Over the last ten years, the village has greatly increased______size. In fact, the population has almost doubled. The wood needs to be cut______size before it is nailed into place. The eggs of this bird vary______size from 5 to 10 centimeters. In the factory, the fruit is sorted______different sizes by machine. A college principal can earn anywhere between £35,000 and £100,000 a year, depending______the size of the college. Radiotherapy has managed to shrink the tumor______the size of a...



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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0 – 8.0 – 9.0: Practice Exercises & Answer Key (Part 3)

(C) Match the words in the left column with their definitions in the right column. 1. ponderous steep 2. precipitous in name or thought only, not real 3. presumptuous extremely dangerous 4. treacherous slow and awkward, boring 5. tentative dangerously unpredictable 6. volatile careful, or uncertain of being completed 7. sketchy overly proud of self or stuck up 8. sporadic resolutely fearless 9. taciturn rude in speech or behaviour 10. surreptitious careful and cautious and wise to be so 11. tenacious making provision for the future, especially to do with money 12. superfluous withdrawn, very anti-social 13. prudent determined 14....



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THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY AND THE MASS MEDIA ( Part 4) The Music Industry (a) Match verbs 1-14 with the phrase-endings i-xiv to complete the collocations. 1.         sign 2.         cover 3.         do 4.         top 5.         go 6.         sell 7.         fill 8.         lift 9.         bring 10.       collaborate 11.       add 12.       crack 13.       give 14.       mime i.          the roof off ii.         a stadium iii.        out an arena tour iv.        the lyrics v.         the charts vi.        a signing at a music store vii.       a tour date viii.      the house down ix.        a rousing rendition x.         with a fellow artist xi.        the American market xii....



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THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY AND THE MASS MEDIA ( Part 3) Hollywood and the Film Industry (a) Match the words in Column A with their strongest collocates in Column B. Column A      Answer Column B       (a) feature (b) release (c) movie (d) final (e) general (f) ensemble (g) red (h) opening (i) critical (j) tour de force (k) leading (i) premiere (ii) cut (iii) reception (iv) cast (v) release (vi) performance (vii) lady (viii) night (ix) carpet (x) date (xi) film  (b) Use the collocations above to fill the gaps in the paragraph below. His latest 1.______________ is going to have...



4 min read

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0 +: The Entertainment Industry and the Mass Media (Part 1)

Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0 +: The Entertainment Industry and the Mass Media – Practice Exercises and Answer Key The Entertainment Industry and Mass Media (Part 1) Marketing and Advertising (a) Identify the verb-noun collocations by matching the verbs in Column 4 to the phrase-endings in Column B. Column A Answer Column B (a) drum (i) a marketing campaign (b) plug (ii) up interest (c) launch (iii) brand awareness (d)target (iv) a niche (e) catch (v) a product (f) corner (vi) the viewer’s attention (g) create (vii) a press release (h) issue (viii) the market (i) reinvent (ix) market research...



3 min read

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0 + : Medical and Health Issues (Part 4)

Medical and Health Issues (Part 4) Odd One Out (a) For each of the following, 1-12, identify and circle the odd one out. (a) aching                (b) bleeding           (c) throbbing   (d) nagging (a) scalpel                (b) probe                (c) forceps       (d) bandage (a) break                  (b) crack                 (c) fracture      (d) wound (a) sling                    (b) splint                (c) syringe       (d) brace (a) stretcher             (b) crutch               (c) drip             (d) wheelchair (a) blister                 (b) fever                  (c) rash            (d) spot (a) coherent             (b) responsive        (c) conscious   (d) comatose (a) vomit                  (b) perspiration    (c) phlegm       (d) pus (a) constipation       (b) indigestion      (c) meningitis  (d) diarrhoea (a) contagious          (b) congenital        (c)...



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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0 +: MEDICAL AND HEALTH ISSUES (Part 3)

MEDICAL AND HEALTH ISSUES (Part 3) Word Transformation In the box below there are 15 words. You will need to use each word once only in completing sentences 1-15. You will have to change the form of the correct word in order for it to fit the gap in the relevant sentence. impair              defect              symptom         immune           hereditariness deficient          diagnose          remiss              prescribe          spine dependent       prognose          morbid             therapy                        elect The tests showed up an iron__________ , so now I have to take supplements every morning. His alcohol __________ is becoming a real issue which could potentially ruin his life. The patient’s __________...



3 min read

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0 +: MEDICAL AND HEALTH ISSUES (Part 1)

Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0 +: MEDICAL AND HEALTH ISSUES – Practice Exercises and Answer Key  MEDICAL AND HEALTH ISSUES (Part 1) Three of a Kind: Find the missing word. For each group of sentences, 1 – 7, there is one suitable word which will fill all the gaps. Find out what it is and write it in the space provided. Example (a) He was rushed to the Accident and Emergency room. (b) There was a medical emergency on my flight to Seoul – luckily a doctor was on hand to help. (c) I work in the ER, also known...



3 min read

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0+: ISSUES FACING YOUNG PEOPLE ( Part 3)

ISSUES FACING YOUNG PEOPLE ( Part 3) Issues affecting School- and College-leavers (a) Match the verbs in Column A to the correct phrase-endings in Column B. Column A Answer Column B (a) priced (b) vetting (c) spiralling (d) burden (e) saddled (f) diminishing (g) prohibitive (h) let   (i) candidates (ii) of debt (iii) out of the market (iv) with debt (v) out of control (vi) cost of third-level education (vii) value of a college education (viii) down by the system (b) Now use the completed phrases to fill the gaps in the sentences below. You will need to use each...



4 min read

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0+: ISSUES FACING YOUNG PEOPLE ( Part 2)

ISSUES FACING YOUNG PEOPLE ( Part 2) Teen Mischief-making      Match the verbs in Column A with the phrases in Column B. Column A Answer Column B (a) falling (b) playing (c) dabbling (d) rebelling (e) getting (f) getting (g) getting/having (h) ganging (i) spreading (j) puling (k) making (1) acting (m) sparing (n) flunking (o) vying (p) flouting (q) having (r) sleeping   (i) around (ii) with drugs (iii) up to no good (iv) against authority (v) a run in with the law (vi) the class (vii) a criminal record (viii) one over on your peers (ix) rash decisions (x) for...



2 min read

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0+: FOOD, TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS (Part 3)

FOOD, TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS ( Part 3) Holidays (A) Match the words or phrases in Column A with their strongest collocations in Column B. Column A                  Answer Column B (a) toilet (b) carry-on (c) cab (d) foreign-exchange (e) ski (f) cabin (g) departure (h) double (i) air (j) travel (k) gap   (i) luggage (ii) lodge (iii) bag (iv) sickness (v) year (vi) miles (vii) occupancy (viii) counter (ix) gate (x) crew (xi) fare Which of the collocations above: is a term used to describe a long break students often take before starting their third-level education? is a form of accommodation?...



4 min read

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0+: FOOD, TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS (Part 2)

FOOD, TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS ( Part 2) Food – Cooking and Eating (A) Choose the correct verb from the box to fill each gap. You should use each verb once only, and you may need to change the form. baste         simmer        salivate            marinate          garnish             gorge   braise munch      whisk          mince               grill                  drizzle             devour After bringing the saucepan to the boil, allow to ___________ for a further five minutes. ___________ a little salad dressing over the top just before you begin to serve. ___________ the egg whites and sugar together in a separate bowl. The mere sight and smell of the dish...



4 min read

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0+: FOOD, TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS (Part 1)

Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0 +: FOOD, TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS – Practice Exercises and Answer Key (Part 1) FOOD, TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS ( Part 1) Your Hotel (A) Chose the correct answer option from the four choices, a – d. The room was_____________ decorated in gold and silver; it was quite simply over the top. a ostentatiously           b. tantalisingly             c. tactfully       d. benevolently They made _____________ preparations in anticipation of the arrival of their celebrity guests. a degenerate                b. decadent                 c. elaborate      d. strenuous It was a(n) _____________ location with an intoxicating sense of romance, something akin to what one...

Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

2 min read

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0:Environmental Issues and The Natural World(Part-8)

Environmental Issues and The Natural World (Part 8) The Natural World Use the words from the box below to fill in the gaps in sentences 1 – 26. You will not need to change the form of the words. Use each word once only. feral solitary nesting resurgent range prey predation tropics sheds gestation alpha adverse eradication conservation breach ban indigenous stray heat stock placental territory run cull apex insulation identity status The Canadian government’s authorisation of the seal-pup______annually is extremely controversial and brings the wrath of conservationists down on it. During the annual Alaskan salmon a.______, such is the...



3 min read

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS 7.0 +: Environmental Issues and the Natural World (Part 7)

Environmental Issues and the Natural World (Part 7) The Potential Consequences of Global Warming Use the words from the box to fill in gaps 1 – 8. You will not need to change the form of the words. Use each word once only. inhospitable vulnerable refugees displacement inundated cover deglaciation migration frequency diversity extent erosion retreat decimate Already there is some evidence of the _____________ of certain ice sheets in the Arctic. Scientists say that this could get worse. The majority of mountain glaciers throughout the world in both hemispheres are also presently in _____________ . Snow _____________ and sea...



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ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND THE NATURAL WORLD ( Part 6) Common Collocations to do with Global Warming, the Environment and Nature (a) Match the words in Column A to their strongest collocates in Column B. Column A Answer Column B       (a) greenhouse (b) precious (c) renewable (d) sustainable (e) water (f) habitat (g) aerosol (h) paddy (i) acid (j) catalytic (k) dumping (l) energy (m) climate (n) oil (i) metals (ii) shortage (iii) sprays (iv) destruction (v) converter (vi) spill (vii) rain (viii) fields (ix) development (x) efficient (xi) change (xii) energy (xiii) ground (xiv) gases  (b) Match the words in...



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