IELTS Speaking Practice Test 29 – Topic : A Large Sum Of Money
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Speaking Part 2
Here is an audio of the sample answers given below. Please listen to it for more clarity on the Speaking Test.
Describe what you would do if you received a very large amount or money.
You should say :
- Who you would share it with
- What you would buy
- What else you would do
- and explain how you would feel about getting so much money.
Sample Answer 1
It really depends on how much money a “large amount” is. If it’s in the trillions I’d probably buy up most of Europe or maybe North America.
I would be my own little king and have everyone pay homage to me. There would be no more wars because I wouldn’t let them happen. I would be fair to all people. We would commission all of the nuclear scientists to try to discover an economical, plentiful, and non-toxic substitute for gasoline and diesel. There would be less pollution, because if you want to drive a gas powered vehicle you’d have to pay a fine. As far as noise pollution, there would be less, because there would be fewer things to complain about. 1 would sponsor rock festivals so that everyone could partake of the beauties of music. All my subjects would love me, because they’d know I am trying my best not to be like all of the leaders in the past who gave into their own desires and lusts; instead 1 would give the people what they want. I would use all the money that would normally he spent on wars to help poorer nations, improve the lives of war-torn countries, and build a big rollercoaster theme park. When all this is done and with whatever money 1 have left I would get the best, most expensive guitar on the market and hire a super-skilled guitar player to teach me all he knows. I’d really enjoy that.
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Vocabulary For Cue card
- Partake: to eat or drink ;join in (an activity).
Eg: I will not partake in your party because it attracts a lot of criminals. - War-torn: racked or devastated by war.
Eg: The war-torn areas in Japan still remember the bomb blasts. - Desire: the emotion of longing or hoping for a person, object, or outcome.
Eg: I get a desire to slap Phil in the face when he starts whining like a baby.
Sample Answer 2
To begin with, I’d quit working. While I enjoy programming, I’m not a fan of the grind that it has recently become. I’d definitely continue to write code, but on my own terms, and I would focus on projects I enjoy. One of my big dreams is to start a game studio of my own. I would share my money with my friends who share my vision so that we can build our own gaming company and pursue individual passion projects as well.
I’d also purchase a new home for my mother. Nothing spectacular, just a little more space than her current accommodations. I would try to maintain the new house as eco-friendly as feasible. It would have a wind turbine and solar cells, as well as some sort of water recycling system. I’d invest my money to make renewable energy economical and accessible to all. I’d buy a cabin in the woods and live there with my dog, cooking and listening to music all day. Finally, I would give it away to those in need after making sure my family is comfortable.
I would be glad to have the opportunity to make a positive change in the world and take care of the people I love.
Speaking Part 3
1 Is money important to you?
Money isn’t really that important to me, but you need money to live and if you don’t have money, then you can’t do anything. But I’m really against the idea of just spending your whole life trying to make a bunch of money so that you can die a rich man. Most of the people who do that don’t even get to enjoy the money they have, and they’re never content with what they have because they always want more.
2 Do you think children are given too much pocket money in China?
It really depends on how much they’re getting. Some kids definitely get way more than they need, and others don’t get enough. There are some families where the parents hardly have enough money to pay their bills and get food; I don’t think these families should feel obliged to give their children money that they don’t have. But if they do have money, then it would be nice to give at least some spending money to their children.
3 How do you think parents could teach the value of money to their children?
If you give your children only a small amount of money each week then they’ll have to learn to make it last. It might take a while for them to learn, and they might be broke for the first few months, but after a while they’ll realize that money doesn’t grow on trees and will respect its value. Of course there are children who always want everything they see, and if the parents give it to them then the kids won’t value money at all.
4 Do you think it is important to let children learn money skills?
I think that’s a wonderful idea. If all kids knew how to do banking, open a savings account and cash checks, their parents would have a lot more leisure time. And even if the parents still do the banking, at least when their kids grow up they won’t be totally helpless. In fact, they’ll have a big jump on the other kids their age.
5 Do you think people should he paid extra when they work overtime?
If you pay someone extra to work overtime then you’re, in a sense, giving them an incentive to work harder. When the work day is over, most people just want to go home and relax. Some people are workaholics and don’t think anything of working until 3 or 4 in the morning and getting up at 6 a few hours later to go back to work. But these people are rare. So if you want more people to work later an overtime bonus is a very good idea.
Money and Society
6 What kinds of jobs have higher pay? Why?
Jobs like designing and repairing computer software, lawyers, doctors and surgeons, building designers, scientists, and Hollywood actors arc some better paying jobs. All these jobs require years of study, research, and lots of experience in that field.
7 What occupations do you think will get high salary in the future?
People who are multilingual will be highly sought after in the future. As the world is becoming more international, people who speak more than 2 languages fluently will be greatly needed. English is the main international language right now. but there are billions of extremely intellectual individuals who can’t speak or understand English. These people don’t want to get left out of all the fun and games that are happening in the rest of the world, so they need translators who will be able to make them understood by people of different races.
8 Is pay the most important factor in your job?
The most important factor is, as most fun loving people know, how much vacation time you get; not only time get, but paid time off. Another important thing to keep in mind is what kind of work it is. Some work is just boring and nobody likes doing it—except for boring people. But if you really want to excel in your work, pick something that you feel comfortable doing, something that you’re good at. The workplace environment is also very important. Some offices are stuffy and drab. whereas others make you feel fresh and alive.
9 What is the primary source of income for the Chinese government?
The primary source of government income is taxes. Taxes are the way that governments support all their projects around the country. Whether they’re building skyscrapers, roads, or schools in impoverished counties, all this funding comes from taxes. Another way to put it is that you’re supporting the government, because you’re the one paying the taxes. Whenever you see government officials on the news doing something or another, you can know that you are actually responsible, since it is you who made it possible for them to do it.
10 Do you think the government should let people know how it spends money?
You know, that would be very nice. I’ve always wondered what exactly is going on behind those closed doors. Naturally some things just can’t be talked about because they’re state secrets, and some things you probably don’t want to know about, such as how- much money was spent on this banquet, or that convention, or how many liters of gasoline their vehicles consume each month. But I would like to know’ exactly what they’re spending my money on.
Vocabulary For Speaking Part 3
- Obliged: make legally or morally bound to do something; do as (someone) asks or desires in order to help or please them.
Eg: Now he obliged to turn around. - Leisure: the time when you are not working
Eg: During my leisure time I enjoy reading. - Workaholics–a person who compulsively works excessively hard and long hours.
Eg: I’m a workaholic, and struggle with time management - Drab–lacking brightness or interest; drearily dull.
Eg: The drab and boring party was enhanced when the dj and band arrived. - Improvised: reduced to poverty
Eg: The women were from the impoverished town panchayat - Convention: a way in which something is usually done.
Eg: The convention of having our parents with us is a very happy moment. - Multilingual: in or using several languages.
Eg: Attending the multilingual school gave the student an opportunity to learn both French and Spanish.
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