IELTS General Writing Task 1: Letter Writing Samples and Tips

IELTS General Writing Task 1: Letter Writing Samples and Tips
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“Know all about the format, tips, and techniques to crack your IELTS General Writing Task 1 before you kickstart your preparations with the help of this blog! “

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the IELTS General Writing Task 1 conducted?

The IELTS General Writing Task 1 is conducted to measure your ability to communicate about common issues. Candidates will be given 20 minutes to write a letter to a person, company, or organization. The candidate’s response to the question is worth about 30% of the total writing score.

Please suggest some tips for the IELTS General Writing Task 1?

Before jumping into the answer, read the instructions carefully and identify the type and purpose of the letter. Then, write the letter appropriately by using standard written phrases and transition words. Divide the letter into paragraphs like Introduction, Problem/Situation, Solution/Action, and conclusion. Understand the scoring criteria and include at least 150 words in your letter

What kind of sentences can I use in my letter?

Candidates should remember that 25% of the marking criteria is for the Grammatical range and accuracy. Therefore, you should use a wide range of grammar structures and include different kinds of sentences like simple, compound, and complex sentences and proper punctuation

What are the differences between formal and semi-formal letters?

Candidates need to understand the difference between formal and semi-formal letters. A formal letter is usually about complaints or a job application, or letters to the authority in a company. In other words, formal letters are written to unknown people. Semi-formal letters are written to people whom you know officially. They're more polite than an informal letter and are written in a neutral tone, neither too formal nor too informal.

How can I manage my time for the letters in the IELTS General Writing Task 1?

Most students find it challenging to manage their time while writing letters in the IELTS Writing Task 1. However, they should change their approach by dividing the given 20 minutes into three stages: 4 minutes for Thinking, 13 minutes for Writing, and 3 minutes for Editing. Candidates must ensure that they do not mix these functions. Otherwise, they may waste a considerable amount of time

Practice IELTS General Writing Task 1

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