High Scorer’s Choice IELTS eBook (PDF)

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the book “15 IELTS Practice Tests (Book)” contain?

It contains materials for listening, reading, writing and speaking sections, 5 full papers in each set, 3 sets are available

Does the listening module contain tapescripts?

Yes, they do. In the written transcripts for the Listening tests, the sentences holding the answers are underlined.

Does it contain hints on how to find answers for the Reading section?

A complete explanatory section on Reading shows you the reasoning and location of all the answers in the passages.

Can I print these tests?

Yes, these are printable.

Do I always need to have internet access to use these tests?

Once downloaded, these tests do not require internet access – you can download them at work, at a friend’s house, in an internet café or anywhere else, save on your computer and practice.
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Prity Mallick

Prity Mallick

Prity Mallick is an experienced IELTS trainer with over 5 years of assisting students to achieve their desired band scores. On her journey, she has mentored many students in all aspects of the IELTS exam. With a passion for teaching, she is focusing on developing high-end content to empower individuals to score a higher band in IELTS by developing their language proficiency and confidence.

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