570 High-incidence and High-utility Academic Words for IELTS
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The Academic Word List compiled by Coxhead, contains 570 word families which are the most commonly used over a very wide range of academic texts.
Brief Guide to Use This List:
Words of highest frequency are followed by the number 1. For example, you can see that ESTABLISH is numbered 1 in this list. It means that ESTABLISH is the most commonly used in the list of 570 words. FORTHCOMING with number 10 means that it is the least frequent amongst this list of high incidence and high utility words.
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How to learn all 570 new words:
It’s time to think out of the box! Let’s learn in a creative way as follows:
- Step 1: You can make a box like the image below (right click and save image)
- Step 2: On each side of the box (inside), you can write down the synonym, antonym, example, description and put it into a contextual sentence You can even draw something so that it can make you better memorize the new word.
For example, you want to learn the word: BENEFIT, this box will turn out to be:
+ Synonym: profit, advantage, gain
+ Antonym: damage, harm, disadvantage, downside
+ Describe it: something that is advantageous or good
+ Example: I had the benefit of a good education | For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals.
+ Draw it: the tick icon (V) can demonstrate for it (from my point of view) because it normally is used when something is correct or good.
If you don’t like to draw, you can write the word family, such as: Beneficial, Beneficially, Beneficent
- Step 3: Wrap the box and write the new word outside the box
For example, you will write a big word BENEFIT outside it, so that you can open the box if you forget the meaning, antonym, synonym…
Download 570 most frequent words
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