Digital Screams Reading Answers
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The Academic passage, Digital Screams Reading Answers, is a reading passage that consists of 11 questions.
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The question types found in this passage are:
- Matching Headings (Q. 17-24)
- Yes/No/Not Given (Q.25 -27)
Reading Passage 2
Digital Screams
A What holds new advances in technology back is not the pace of development. Is it then the fact that people are generally conservative by nature? Or is it instead the inability of the marketplace to absorb new products fast enough?
B There is always a time lag between new inventions and discoveries being made and the release of any related technology into the public domain. Like aircraft hovering to land at a busy airport, new products are frequently held in abeyance, while the marketplace is emptied of the last ‘latest’ gadget. Meanwhile, the general population are drip-fed Information about what is to come. In this way, the public appetite for new products is constantly being whetted.
C People’s blind faith in any new technological device prevents them from thinking through the implications of what is happening. Fewer and fewer people seem to have any serious misgivings about mankind’s Promethean march to some great dystopia. Any lurking dangers are brushed aside, as are the diminishing band of dissenters.
D People are oblivious of the creeping advance of robots into their lives. Operations are being performed with voice- operated robots, not only giving surgeons an extra pair of safe hands, but also allowing a range of procedures to be carried out anywhere in the world by computer. Apart from surgery, voice-operated devices are also being introduced into cars. Drivers will soon be able to bark at mobile-phone- like gadgets cababie of supplying them with all the information they need from weather forecasts to stock market quotations.
E Experiments have already been carried out on inserting microchips under the human skin so that people can be monitored at any time. Tagging is currently in use in some areas for criminals in the community. And data-tagging is being used for technical equipment like expensive motorbike parts and aso fortracing lost dogs. Details about using microchips in humans have already been flagged in the press. And given the right circumstances, the procedure will be introduced with barely a whimper. Microchip implants might perhaps become the passport of the future.
F Without knowing it, you are already being monitored without the slightest hint of protest. The technology in your mobile phones allows you to be located. It is ironic that when mobile phones were first introduced they were perceived as status symbols. But now they are viewed as symbols of slavery, as bosses can monitor their work-force when they are out on the job. Video cameras in public places are now so wide-spread that It Is possible to trace you for quite a distance. Supermarket loyalty cards and bank cards leave traces of your life everywhere.
G As we naively come to accept the role of machines, they are appearing In roles that were exclusively the preserve of humans. Robots in bars already exist; soon they will replace hosts on chat-shows, and people as shop assistants or drivers and humans in many other professions. No? Do you take money from a teller at your bank or do you receive It from a robot built Into a wall?
H And much to the chagrin of traditionalists, toys have now come on the market which teach children to speak and which children can then communicate with, the novelty apart, this is a rather sinister tum of events. It is bad enough for adults to talk to cars and computers. But this development is much more disturbing. Children may develop certain linguistic skills from the robotic toy. But will lose out on the necessary social and emotional interaction. Social deskilling of this kind will lead to untold social problems.
I Yet, not all the developments are bad. The advances taking place in medicine, herald a new dawn for the human race. Disease will become an irritation rather than the bane it Is now. Humans will replace body parts as they wear out, with specially grown prostheses or electronic parts, whatever is In vogue at the time.
Certain diseases which required huge resources and expenditure will be treated by gene therapy. Paralysis will become a thing of the past. By 2020, the life expectancy for new babies will be well over 100 years and more. Recently, the ‘Immortality’ gene was located: so soon the world may be full of Methuselahs.
J A nightmare scenario perhaps. Not half as nightmarish as the future possibility of downloading the human mind before the body dies. But I for one do not wish to live out eternity as some sort of digital collectable item. Against the hum of machines, who will hear my screams? Or yours?
Questions 17-24
Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph.
There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use all of them.
Example: Paragraph A Answer xvii
List of Headings
i. The time lag theory explained
ii. Humans helping robots
iii. A sinister side
iv. People are already being monitored
v. Anovelly apart
vi. The dangers ignored
vii. A personal nightmare
viii. Some Methuselahs
ix. Robots helping humans
x. Tagging
xi. Hovering aircraft
xii. Technology not all negative
xiii. Dip feeding the public
xiv. Robots replacing humans
xv. Expensive motorbike parts
xvi. Who needs friends?
xvii. What stops technology from advancing faster?
17 Paragraph B
18 Paragraph C
19 Paragraph D
20 Paragraph E
21 Paragraph F
22 Paragraph G
23 Paragraph H
24 Paragraph I
Questions 25-27
Do the statements below agree with the information in Reading Passage in boxes 25-27, write:
Yes if the statement agrees with the information in the passage
No if the statement contradicts the information in the passage
Not Given if there is no information about the statement in the passage
Example: There is always a time lag between new inventions being made and their release into the public domain.
Answer. Yes
25 The writer feels that the general public has too much faith in the technological devices being introduced into the marketplace.
26 Tagging criminals by inserting microchips into theft bodies will dramatically reduce the number of crimes being committed.
27 The writer of the article does not have serious doubts about the direction technology is taking.
Answer Key
Question No. | Answer | Question No. | Answer |
17. | i | 22. | xiv |
18. | vi | 23. | xvi |
19. | ix | 24. | xii |
20. | x | 25. | Yes |
21. | iv | 26. | Not Given |
27. | Yes |
17 Answer: i
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 1 – line 2
Answer explanation: The selected lines say that “There is always a time lag between new inventions and discoveries being made and the release of any related technology into the public domain.” This tells us that this paragraph elaborates on the time lag theory that there is a gap in time between the invention or discovery of a product and its release into public domain. Hence, the answer is i (The time lag theory explained).
18 Answer: vi
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 3 – line 4
Answer explanation: In the quoted lines of Paragraph C, it is said that “Any lurking dangers are brushed aside, as are the diminishing band of dissenters.” This highlights the fact that this paragraph discusses how people are paying no heed to the dangers of technological advancements and its products. Hence the answer is vi (Dangers ignored).
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19 Answer: ix
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph D
Answer explanation: In Paragraph D, it is noted that “Operations are being performed with voice- operated robots, not only giving surgeons an extra pair of safe hands, but also allowing a range of procedures to be carried out anywhere…” These lines point out the various ways in which the robots are helping humans like surgery, driving cars, weather forecasts, etc. Hence the answer is ix (Robots helping humans).
20 Answer: x
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 1- line 2
Answer explanation: In the specified line of Paragraph E, it is stated that “Experiments have already been carried out on inserting microchips under the human skin so that people can be monitored at any time. Tagging is currently in use …”. In other words, experiments of tagging people with microchips have begun which helps in monitoring. Hence, the answer is x (Tagging).
21 Answer: iv
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 1- line 2
Answer explanation: In the specified line of Paragraph F, it is stated that “Without knowing it, you are already being monitored without the slightest hint of protest. The technology in your mobile phones allows you to be located.”. In other words, in various ways people are being monitored without them being aware of the whole process. Hence the answer is iv (People are already being monitored).
22 Answer: xiv
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph G, line 1- line 2
Answer explanation: The mentioned line of Paragraph G says that “As we naively come to accept the role of machines, they are appearing In roles that were exclusively the preserve of humans. Robots in bars already exist; soon they will replace hosts…” As it is clear that this paragraph provides instances about how robots are replacing humans in different tasks, the answer is xiv (Robots replacing humans).
23 Answer: xvi
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph H, line 5- line 6
Answer explanation: The specified lines state that “Social deskilling of this kind will lead to untold social problems.” So, it is clear in that paragraph that from children to adults, everyone is provided with toys or technological advancements for which they will no longer have friends or be sociable. Hence the answer is xvi (Who needs friends?).
24 Answer: xii
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph I, line 1 – line 2
Answer explanation: The lines from Paragraph I says that “Yet, not all the developments are bad. The advances taking place in medicine, herald a new dawn for the human race.” After discussing various bad influences of technological advances, the author, in this paragraph, talks of positive sides of technology. Hence the answer is xii (Technology not all negative).
25 Answer: Yes
Question type: Yes/No/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 1 – line 2
Answer explanation: The given lines say that “People’s blind faith in any new technological device prevents them from thinking through the implications of what is happening.” This statement points out that the writer’s thought that the general public has too much faith in the technological devices being introduced into the marketplace agrees with the information in the passage. Hence the answer is Yes.
26 Answer: Not Given
Question type: Yes/No/Not Given
Answer location: N.A.
Answer explanation: As there is no information whether tagging criminals by inserting microchips into theft bodies will dramatically reduce the number of crimes being committed or not, the answer is Not Given.
27 Answer: Yes
Question type: Yes/No/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph J, line 1 – line 3
Answer explanation: The given lines say that “A nightmare scenario perhaps. Not half as nightmarish as the future possibility of downloading the human mind before the body dies. But I for one do not wish to live out eternity as some sort of digital collectable item.” This statement points out that the writer is very much aware about the direction technology is taking. Hence the answer is Yes.
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