Read everything about all the IELTS Reading question types here and enhance your reading skills as you prepare for your final text!
As you know, in the IELTS reading test, you will have to read 3 passages and solve 40 questions in 1 hour. To achieve a higher band score in this, getting to know all the IELTS Reading question types is a must!
With proper and consistent practice, you can develop familiarity with all of them and develop techniques to crack each one of them within the given time. So, why wait? Get set to learn an overview of the question types now.
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There are 10-11 different kinds of questions for each of the passages that appear in the IELTS reading exam. Read ahead to know more about them!
1. IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Questions
Question Type
IELTS Multiple-choice questions
It has about 3-4 options from which you have to choose your answer.
This might be in the form of a question & answer type or a choose a correct ending to a sentence type.
These answers appear in chronological order according to the passage.
2. IELTS Reading True/False/Not Given Questions
Question Type
IELTS True/False/Not Given
These questions are very tricky as they consist of several statements: If the statement is present in the article as it is then you need to mark it as true.
If the statement is found to be the opposite of the sentence which is there then it should be marked as false.
If the statement given in the question is not at all present in the article then it should be marked as not given.
Do not spend a lot of time finding the sentence which is not there.
3. IELTS Reading Yes/No/Not Given Questions
Question Type
IELTS Yes, No, Not Given
Similar to the True/False/Not given questions, these also have various statements.
But here you are asked to agree or disagree with the statement based on the opinion of the author.
4. IELTS Reading Matching Headings
Question Type
IELTS Matching Headings
Here, a list of headings will be given and you are asked to match these headings with a paragraph in the passage.
You should read the headings before you begin reading the text.
To get the correct answer, you have to read the complete paragraph and not just stop with the first few lines of the paragraph.
There will also be many other headings that are not related to any of the paragraphs given in the passage, in such cases, try to identify those types of headings too.
5. IELTS Reading Matching Information
Question Type
IELTS Matching information
Here, you have a list which contains information taken from the paragraphs.
You are asked to find out the paragraph from which the information is taken.
Sometimes the question may be tricky because the information given might not be in exact words as given in the paragraph instead it will be paraphrased.
So you need to read the paragraph to understand the meaning/idea behind it to answer these questions.
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6. IELTS Reading Matching Features
Question Type
IELTS Matching Features
Here, there will be a list of items in the box and you need to match these items by reading and understanding some sentences in the passages.
The list may be of the name of people or cities. For example, If there is a name of a person in the box of items then the question may be to match the sentence with the person who said them.
Like other types of match questions, some of the items mentioned may not be available in the passage.
So, to save time, read the passage before answering each question.
7. IELTS Reading Matching Sentence Endings
Question Type
IELTS Matching Sentence Endings
In this, you need to connect two halves of the sentences.
The first half of the sentence will be already given and you need to find out which is the appropriate ending for the sentence from the list given.
While choosing from the list you need to keep the following things in mind: There should not be any grammatical errors in the sentence.
The ending sentence chosen by you should make sense.
The sentence should have the same meaning as the sentence in the passage.
8. IELTS Reading Sentence Completion & Short-Answer Questions
Question Type
IELTS Sentence Completion and IELTS Short Answer Type
These are almost similar. In sentence completion, you’ll be asked to fill in the blank spaces using the words given in the text.
Whereas, in short answers, you’ll have to take words from the given text to write the short answers.
It is important to pay close attention to the instructions that are given in the question because in some instructions there will be a word limit mentioned and you may lose marks if you don’t follow it.
9. IELTS Reading Note, Table, Diagram & Summary Completion Questions
Question Types
All of these question types come under the Completion questions.
In these, you will be asked to complete a set of notes, tables, diagrams or a summary based on the information given in the text.
Sometimes the question will be to write a short answer and sometimes you’ll have to choose from the list of answers given.
Usually, these kinds of questions will only be based on one part of the passage, so you won’t have to read the whole passage to fill in the important information.
Make Your Reading Skills Stand Out with IELTSMaterial
Improving your reading skills isn't just about reading a passage but it’s also about grasping the information clearly and having to reply back with good IELTS Grammar. Doing this all alone by practising test papers might be hard. So, you can get help from our IELTS experts to learn tips and improve your listening skills for the IELTS exam!
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