Recent IELTS Writing Actual Test & Model Answers

Looking to practice more IELTS Writing questions? Check out the Recent IELTS Writing Actual Test & Model Answers and elevate your preparation while aiming to achieve a band 8+ in the IELTS exam.

Recent IELTS Writing Actual Test & Model Answers
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is in the IELTS Listening Test?

The IELTS listening test is divided into four sections with each section getting more difficult than the last. You can only hear each section once. The listening test takes 39 minutes.

Can I pause the listening recording?

The recording cannot be paused and you hear the recording only once. So you have to practice answering the questions as you’re listening.

Can I take down notes during the IELTS listening recording?

Yes, you can. In fact it is very helpful and necessary to take down notes as it helps you have an understanding of the context.

Does the word spellings matter in IELTS Listening test?

Yes, spellings do matter in the Listening test as well. An answer with the incorrect spelling could be counted as an incorrect answer.

Are the questions in IELTS Listening Test repeated?

No, the questions aren’t repeated. The whole recording is only played once.

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Prity Mallick

Prity Mallick

Prity Mallick is an experienced IELTS trainer with over 5 years of assisting students to achieve their desired band scores. On her journey, she has mentored many students in all aspects of the IELTS exam. With a passion for teaching, she is focusing on developing high-end content to empower individuals to score a higher band in IELTS by developing their language proficiency and confidence.

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