OET Books 2024 – Best Books for OET Preparation

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Healthcare professionals attempting to take the OET frequently wonder what books they should consult during their preparations. Some books are specific to particular disciplines, while others are more general in their approach.
As a result, this article is dedicated to recommending the best OET books that candidates can make use of when preparing for the OET.
Following are some book recommendations that OET aspirants might find particularly useful during their preparations:
The Official Guide to OET
The Official Guide to OET is a resource that is meant to aid healthcare professionals in preparing for the updated OET exam. This book is also apt for those who want to engage in independent study as it is equally suitable for both self-study and in a classroom setting. It includes a complete practice test giving test takers exposure to the structure of the exam while also allowing them to check their performance. The book comes with access to online material for the listening subtests and also includes countless skill-enhancing exercises to allow aspirants to refine their language abilities in each of the subtests.
This guide has been written by Kaplan Test Prep, one of the premier global authorities who have been helping to prepare students for standardized tests from 1938 onwards. The material in this book, including all the questions, has undergone a thorough review by the test conductors of the OET exam, Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust (CBLA), and they have ensured that the questions and content are in keeping with the standards of the exam.
Last but not least, it is replete with expert advice, handy tips for independent study and advice for the test day. The salient features of this book ensure that healthcare professionals are well prepared when appearing for the OET exam.
Go for OET
This book is specifically meant for nursing professionals preparing for the OET. It facilitates the process of preparation by providing innumerable helpful tips and expert advice coupled with mock papers and technology-aided resources meant to achieve excellent performance in all the subtests of the OET. Best of all, this book comes with its own mobile app (which is available on both iOS and Android platforms). The app contains invaluable resources and exam tips that can be conveniently accessed anywhere and at any time.
OET Writing Strategy Guide: Everything You Need to Know About the Revised Assessment Criteria
This is one of the best books for OET, specifically for the Writing subtest of the OET. It dives deep into the standards of assessment when it comes to writing and addresses the stages of drafting a referral letter. It will allow aspirants to develop the skills needed to successfully clear the writing subtest and enhance their learning and preparation. This book offers pragmatic and effective tips and techniques meant to drive you towards excelling and offer ample opportunities for practice. It contains some fundamental concepts of grammar and nineteen practice tests.
Authored by an experienced OET trainer, it has in-depth research to back up its tips and advice and is garnered towards developing the correct strategy to qualify for the written component of the OET exam. A summary of commonly made errors by students is also provided, allowing OET aspirants to avoid usual pitfalls. There is a rich store of structured tasks provided along with important grammatical concepts that candidates need to bear in mind when attempting the exam.
OET Nursing Official Practice Book 1
Created and published by the official conductors of the OET exam, Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust (CBLA), this book is a trusted resource and is one of the best books for OET. The practice test book contains three mock tests with their correct answers provided, allowing aspirants to test themselves and gain an understanding of their level of preparation. Important criteria for evaluation and helpful language tips, along with a brief summary of the OET exam and its scoring, are also provided, making it an essential guide for anyone looking to crack the OET exam.
OET Speaking and Writing Skills Builder
This book provides an overview of different grammatical concepts related to reading and writing as covered in the OET exam. Although this is primarily designated for Nursing and Medicine, additional resources are provided, such as letters and role-play exercises for different professions as well. Although the focus is largely on speaking and writing skills, resources related to reading and listening are also provided. This book contains a wealth of tips and resources for improving language skills in the healthcare context, which makes it one of the best books for OET that aspirants can consult.
OET Reading and Listening Skills Builder
This is a particularly insightful resource that OET aspirants can consider as one of the best books for OET preparation that they can find. There are units dedicated solely to practising and developing familiarity with each of the reading and listening tasks. The book is abundant in practice questions allowing healthcare professionals to put their knowledge to use as well as check their level of proficiency as they progress through the book. Moreover, a supplementary CD is provided with the book to get the candidates better acquainted with the accents they might hear in the actual listening test on the day of the OET exam.
Grammar Booster for OET Nursing
Grammar Booster for OET Nursing is a book that has been obtainable since 2018 and is a much-recommended supplement for healthcare professionals aspiring to take the OET. This book is an invaluable resource that establishes grammar within the framework of a healthcare set-up. The first nine units consist of content that healthcare professionals will find relevant for both the Speaking and Writing subtests of the OET, such as forming precise and proper questions, employing conditional statements when furnishing advice, use of passive forms and articles.
Each unit contextualizes the aspects of grammar in a healthcare setting and this gives candidates an opportunity to understand how language is used in a real-life scenario which is followed by a ‘grammar boost’ showcasing precisely how the language is used. There are ample exercises and activities provided with each unit to enable OET aspirants to put to use what they have learned and test their knowledge with the correct answers provided for them to gauge their language proficiency.
Overall, this book remains a germane preparatory resource for healthcare professionals who may be acquainted with many of the grammar aspects due to studying English as part of a generalized curriculum but have never witnessed the grammatical concepts being incorporated in a healthcare scenario.
Check out these books according to your needs and hope you find this article useful.
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