Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score – Key Word: image
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Key Word: image
1 Verb + image ( how other see us)
Use the correct form of these verbs:
change create improve
shed tarnish project
- Millions have been spent on advertising in an effort to _________ a sexy image for the new perfume from Chanel.
- Since winning the gold medal at the Olympic Games, his image has been _________ by accusations of drug use which he hotly denies.
- Many businesses hire public relations consultants to help them_________ their image in the market place.
- Getting a totally new hair-do is the way most women try to _________ their image.
- Eastbourne on the south coast of England is trying hard to _________ the dull image the public have of it and promote itself as an attractive seaside resort.
- Sometimes it’s difficult to find out what pop idols and filmstars are really like – all you ever see is the image they _________ on the screen.
2 Common adjective collocations
Use these adjectives to complete the sentences:
clean new right
public stereotyped staid and stuffy
- The police in the UK are often accused of having a _________ image of black people and other ethnic minorities.
- I changed my hairstyle and replaced my entire wardrobe in order to create a _________ and younger image.
- Like most politicians, the prime minister’s _________ image is very different from the person underneath.
- Museums are trying hard to shed their _________ image and become more interesting and attractive to young people.
- There is no doubt that recent events have damaged the ___________ image that the President has successfully cultivated over the years.
- Today all political parties have to project the _________ image if they are going to attract the female vote.
3 Verb + image (picture)
Use the correct form of these verbs:
appear blot out capture
conjure up produce project
- Some horrific images of war were_________ by TV crews filming on the battlefield.
- Slowly, a blurred image began to _________ on the screen. Man had landed on Mars.
- I’ve tried to_________ the image of my mother’s sad face, but it just keeps coming back to me.
- The Hubble telescope _________ sharper images of stars than those of any telescope on earth.
- For many people, the word ‘tropical’ _________ images of palm trees and deserted beaches.
- A giant image of Madonna was_________ onto a huge screen above the stage. Her fans went wild.
1. In 1-3 ‘promote’ is also possible. In 1-5 ‘shake off’ is also possible. 2. This expression means ‘identical’: William is the spitting image of his father. 3. Things can be ‘bad for your image’: Daly’s advisers said it would be bad for his image to be photographed with the protesters. 4. Note the expression ‘fit (somebody’s) image of something’: Wearing jeans and no tie, Mr Jones hardly fits most people’s image of a headmaster! 5. Note the expression ‘part of somebody’s image’: I don’t need glasses – they’re just part of my image. |
Ex 1:
- create 2. tarnished 3. improve 4. change 5. shed 6. project
Ex 2:
- stereotyped 2. new 3. public 4. staid and stuffy 5. clean 6. right
Ex 3:
- captured 2. appear 3. blot out 4. produces 5. conjures up 6. projected
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Janice Thompson
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