Western Immigration of Canada – IELTS Reading Answers
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The Academic passage, Western Immigration of Canada Reading Answers, is a reading passage that consists of 13 questions.
With diligent practice, the Reading Module can be the top-scoring category for IELTS aspirants. To score well, you must understand how to approach and answer the different question types in the Reading Module.
Ideally, you should not spend more than 20 minutes on a passage. You must scan the material for important terms, comprehend the subject, and then respond in accordance with the instructions. Also, read the IELTS reading passage, pick out significant words, and recognise synonyms in order to provide a one-word response.
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The question types found in this passage are:
- IELTS Matching Headings (Q. 1-7)
- IELTS Summary Completion (Q. 8-13)
Reading Passage 1
Western Immigration of Canada
A By the mid-1870s Canada wanted an immigrant population of agricultural settlers established in the West. No urban centres existed on the prairies in the 1870s, and rural settlement was the focus of the federal government’s attention. The western rural settlement was desired, as it would provide homesteads for the sons and daughters of eastern farmers, as eastern agricultural land filled to capacity. As well, eastern farmers and politicians viewed western Canada, with its broad expanses of unpopulated land, as a prime location for expanding Canada’s agricultural output, especially in terms of wheat production to serve the markets of eastern Canada.
B To bolster Canada’s population and agricultural output, the federal government took steps to secure western land. The Dominion of Canada purchased Rupert’s Land from the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1870. In 1872, the federal government enacted the Dominion Lands Act. This act enabled settlers to acquire 160 acres of free land, as long as settlers remained on their land for a period of three years, made certain minor improvements to the land, and paid a $10.00 registration fee. The Canadian government also created a Mounted Police Force in 1873. The Mounties journeyed west to secure the area for future settlers. By 1876 the NWMP had established themselves in the West. The major posts included Swan River, Fort Saskatchewan, Fort Calgary, Fort Walsh and Fort Macleod. All of these initiatives attracted a number of eastern-Canadian settlers, as well as European and American immigrants, to Canada’s West, and particularly to the area of Manitoba.
C The surest way to protect Canadian territory, and to achieve the secondary goal for joining British Columbia to the rest of the country, was to import large numbers of Eastern Canadian and British settlers. Settling the West also made imperative the building of a transcontinental railway. The railway would work to create an east-west economy, in which western Canada would feed the growing urban industrial population of the east, and in return become a market for eastern Canadian manufactured goods.
D Winnipeg became the metropolis of the West during this period. Winnipeg’s growth before 1900 was the result of a combination of land speculation, growth of housing starts, and the federal government’s solution in 1881 of Winnipeg as a major stop along the CPR. This decision culminated in a land boom between 1881 and 1883 which resulted in the transformation of hamlets like Portage la Prairie and Brandon into towns, and a large increase in Manitoba’s population. Soon, Winnipeg stood at the junction of three transcontinental railway lines which employed thousands in rail yards. Winnipeg also became the major processor of agricultural products for the surrounding hinterland.
E The majority of settlers to Winnipeg, and the surrounding countryside, during this early period, were primarily Protestant English-speaking settlers from Ontario and the British Isles. These settlers established Winnipeg upon a British-Ontarian ethos which came to dominate the society’s social, political, and economic spirit. This British-Ontarian ethnic homogeneity, however, did not last very long. Increasing numbers of foreign immigrants, especially from Austria-Hungary and Ukraine soon added a new ethnic element to the recent British, the older First Nation Métis, and Selkirk’s settler population base. Settling the West with (in particular) Eastern Canadians and British immigrant offered the advantage of safeguarding the 49th parallel from the threat of American take-over, had not the Minnesota legislature passed a resolution which provided for the annexation of the Red River district. The Red River in 1870 was the most important settlement on the Canadian prairies. It contained 11,963 inhabitants of whom 9,700 were Métis and First Nations. But neighbouring Minnesota already had a population of over 100,000.
F Not all of the settlers who came to western Canada in the 1880s, however, desired to remain there. In the 1870s and 1880s, economic depression kept the value of Canada’s staple exports low, which discouraged many from permanent settlement in the West. Countries including Brazil, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and the United States competed with Canada for immigrants. Many immigrants and thousands of Canadians chose to settle in the accessible and attractive American frontier. Canada before 1891 has been called “a huge demographic railway station” where thousands of men, women, and children were constantly going and coming, and where the number of departures invariably exceeded that of arrivals.”
G By 1891 Eastern Canada had its share of both large urban centres and problems associated with city life. While the booming economic centres of Toronto and Montreal were complete with electricity and telephones in the cities’ wealthiest areas by the turn of the century, slum conditions characterised the poorest areas like the district known as ‘the Ward’ in Toronto. Chickens and pigs ran through the streets; privy buckets spilled onto backyards and lanes creating cesspools in urban slums. These same social reformers believed that rural living, in stark contrast to urban, would lead to a healthy, moral, and charitable way of life. Social reformers praised the ability of fresh air, hard work, and open spaces for ‘Canadianizing’ immigrants. Agricultural pursuits were seen as especially fitting for attaining this ‘moral’ and family-oriented way of life, in opposition to the single male-dominated atmosphere of the cities. Certainly, agriculture played an important part in the Canadian economy in 1891. One-third of the workforce worked on farms.
H The Canadian government presented Canada’s attractions to potential overseas migrants in several ways. The government offered free or cheap land to potential agriculturists. As well, the government established agents and/or agencies for the purpose of attracting emigrants overseas. Assisted passage schemes, bonuses and commissions to agents and settlers and pamphlets also attracted some immigrants to Canada. The most influential form of attracting others to Canada, however, remained the letters home written by emigrants already in Canada. Letters from trusted friends and family members. Letters home often contained exaggerations of the ‘wonder of the new world.’ Migrant workers and settlers already in Canada did not want to disappoint, or worry, their family and friends at home. Embellished tales of good fortune and happiness often succeeded in encouraging others to come.
Questions 1-7
The Reading Passage has eight paragraphs A-H.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-H from the list below.
Write the correct number, i-xii, in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i Not all would stay in Canada forever
ii Government’s safeguard in the West
iii Eastern Canada is full
iv Built-up to the new infrastructure
v An exclusive British domination in Ontario established ever since
vi Ethnics and language make-up
vii Pursuing a pure life
viii Police recruited from mid-class families
ix Demand of western immigration
x Early major urban development of the West
xi Attracting urban environment
xii Advertising of Western Canada
Example: Paragraph A ix
1 Paragraph B
2 Paragraph C
3 Paragraph D
4 Paragraph E
5 Paragraph F
6 Paragraph G
7 Paragraph H
Questions 8-13
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage.
Using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet.
With the saturation of Eastern Canada, the Western rural area would supply 8 ………………. for the descendants of easterners. Politicians also declared that Western has got potential to increase 9 ……………… of Canada according to 10 ……………… crop that consumed in the East. The federal government started to prepare and made it happen. First, the government bought land from a private 11 ………………, and legally offered a certain area to people who stayed for a qualifying period of time. Then, mounted 12 ……………… was found to secure the land. However, the best way to protect citizens was to build a 13 ……………… to transport the migrants and goods between the West and the East.
Answer Key
Question No. | Answer | Question No. | Answer |
1. | ii | 8. | homesteads |
2. | iv | 9. | agricultural output |
3. | x | 10. | wheat |
4. | vi | 11. | company |
5. | i | 12. | Police Force |
6. | vii | 13. | transcontinental railway |
7. | xii |
1 Answer: ii
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph B
Answer explanation: In the introductory line of the second paragraph, it is given “To bolster Canada’s population and agricultural output, the federal government took steps to secure western land.”. It can be deduced from the above quoted line that this paragraph deals with the steps taken by the federal government to protect (safeguard/secure) the western land. Hence, the answer is ii (Government’s safeguard in the West).
2 Answer: iv
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph C
Answer explanation: In the third paragraph, it is stated that “Settling the West also made imperative the building of a transcontinental railway. The railway would work to create an east-west economy…”. It can be pointed out that building the transcontinental railway was a big step in the build-up to the new infrastructure that helped to create an economy. Hence, the answer is iv (Built-up to the new infrastructure).
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3 Answer: x
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph D
Answer explanation: Through the lines, “Winnipeg’s growth before 1900 was the result of a combination of land speculation, growth of housing starts, and the federal government’s solution … culminated in a land boom between 1881 and 1883 which resulted in the transformation of hamlets like Portage la Prairie and Brandon into towns, and a large increase in Manitoba’s population.”, it can be concluded that the fourth paragraph shows the major urban development of the West. Hence, the answer is x (Early major urban development of the West).
4 Answer: vi
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph E
Answer explanation: In the mentioned section, it is noted that, “…during this early period, were primarily Protestant English-speaking settlers from Ontario and the British Isles. These settlers established Winnipeg upon a British-Ontarian ethos which came to dominate the society’s social, political, and economic spirit… Increasing numbers of foreign immigrants, especially from Austria-Hungary and Ukraine soon added a new ethnic element to the recent British, the older First Nation Métis, and Selkirk’s settler population base.”. Based on this reference, it can be concluded that the fifth paragraph deals with different ethnicities that settled in the area and their language usage . Hence, the answer is vi (Ethnics and language make-up).
5 Answer: i
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph F
Answer explanation: In the first sentence of Paragraph F, it is said that “Not all of the settlers who came to western Canada in the 1880s, however, desired to remain there.”. This refers to the fact that the sixth paragraph explains the factors, like economic depression, that led to the movement of immigrants to other countries like Brazil, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Hence, the answer is i (Not all would stay in Canada forever).
6 Answer: vii
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph G
Answer explanation: In the specified section, it is given that “By 1891 Eastern Canada had its share of both large urban centres and problems associated with city life…Social reformers praised the ability of fresh air, hard work, and open spaces for ‘Canadianizing’ immigrants.”. This reference establishes the fact that the paragraph of the quoted lines relates the description of a pure Canadian life. Hence, the answer is vii (Pursuing a pure life).
7 Answer: xii
Question type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph H
Answer explanation: In Paragraph H, it is mentioned that “Assisted passage schemes, bonuses and commissions to agents and settlers and pamphlets also attracted some immigrants to Canada. The most influential form of attracting others to Canada, however, remained the letters home written by emigrants already in Canada.”. Based on this reference, it can be said that the government undertook various steps to advertise Western Canada and attract immigrants to the country. Hence, the answer is xii (Advertising of Western Canada).
8 Answer: homesteads
Question type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph A, line 3
Answer explanation: In the mentioned location, it is stated that “The western rural settlement was desired, as it would provide homesteads for the sons and daughters of eastern farmers, as eastern agricultural land filled to capacity.”. This statement indicates that with the land being filled in Eastern Canada, the western areas supplied homesteads for the descendants of easterners (the sons and daughters of eastern farmers). Hence, the answer is ‘homesteads’.
9 Answer: agricultural output
Question type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph A, line 4
Answer explanation: The given line specifies that “As well, eastern farmers and politicians viewed western Canada, with its broad expanses of unpopulated land, as a prime location for expanding Canada’s agricultural output…”. It is indicated that both farmers and politicians declared that the western part, with the expanses of unpopulated land, has potential to increase the agricultural output of Canada. Hence, the answer is ‘agricultural output’.
10 Answer: wheat
Question type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph A, line 4
Answer explanation: In Paragraph A, it is mentioned that “… western Canada, with its broad expanses of unpopulated land, as a prime location for expanding Canada’s agricultural output, especially in terms of wheat production to serve the markets of eastern Canada.”. In light of the information that the consumption of wheat in the East can be fulfilled by the unpopulated land available in western Canada , the answer is ‘wheat’.
11 Answer: company
Question type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 2
Answer explanation: In the second paragraph, it is mentioned that “The Dominion of Canada purchased Rupert’s Land from the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1870.”. Based on this reference it can be inferred that the government bought land from a private company named the Hudson’s Bay Company. Hence, the answer is ‘company’.
12 Answer: Police Force
Question type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 5
Answer explanation: In the mentioned portion, it is reported that “The Canadian government also created a Mounted Police Force in 1873.”. It can be concluded that the Canadian government created a Mounted Police Force. Hence, the answer is ‘Police Force’.
13 Answer: transcontinental railway
Question type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 2 – line 3
Answer explanation: In the quoted part, it is given that “Settling the West also made imperative the building of a transcontinental railway. The railway would work to create an east-west economy, in which western Canada would feed the growing urban industrial population of the east, and in return become a market for eastern Canadian manufactured goods.”. In other words, the best way to protect citizens was to build a transcontinental railway to transport the migrants and goods between the West and the East. Hence, the answer is ‘ transcontinental railway’.
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