Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone – IELTS Cue Card
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- Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 1
- Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 2
- Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 3
- Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone – IELTS Cue Card Part 3 Follow-Up Questions
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During Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, you will have exactly one minute to prepare and speak on a specific topic like the ‘Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On the Phone.’ This is an IELTS cue card task after which the follow-up questions will be asked for Part 3.
This article contains the ‘Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On the Phone’ cue card answers created by our IELTS band 9 experts. Hence, you can now learn how to answer IELTS speaking cue card topics by looking at the given 3 sample answers!
Describe a time when you were in a public place and you overheard a stranger talking on the phone.
You should say:
- Where did this happen?
- When did it happen?
- What was the person talking about?
- Explain how you felt about hearing the conversation.
Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 1
Where did this happen?
At times, I find it hard not to overhear conversations, even though I make a point not to be nosy. One time, I was in my native with my cousins and we planned to go to a mall where I overheard a person talking on his phone in a loud manner.
When did it happen?
At the mall’s food court, when we were just enjoying our meal, I ended up hearing this stranger’s conversation with his friend
What was the person talking about?
He was bragging about how he tricked his co-worker into covering for him at work with made-up stories. The conversation went on for about 15 minutes, with the stranger revealing all the details about how he planned to use his sick uncle as an excuse to go property hunting in another city. I wanted to move away or say something to him, but I decided to mind my own business and finish my food quietly.
Explain how you felt about hearing the conversation.
I felt uncomfortable hearing this, even my cousins felt bad for the co-worker who believed this guy. It made me feel awkward and embarrassed to overhear such a disheartening conversation. In the end, I realized that while I can’t control what others say, I can control how I react.
Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 2
Where did this happen?
I remember a time when I was at a coffee shop in the city centre, and I overheard a stranger talking loudly on the phone. Despite the heavy noise of the cafe, his voice was notably loud, making it hard to ignore his phone conversation.
When did it happen?
This incident happened a few months ago, on a busy Saturday afternoon. I had stopped by the coffee shop to grab a quick drink and relax for a bit in the middle of my office work.
What was the person talking about?
The person on the phone was sitting at the table just behind me at the cafe. He was interested in talking about his plans to go on a vacation and how he was trying to convince his boss to give him an extra day off. Moreover, he was discussing all the places they wanted to visit as a group of friends and the activities they wanted to do in Bali!
Explain how you felt about hearing the conversation.
Even though it was a happy conversation, it felt like I was eavesdropping on someone’s private conversation, even though they were talking loudly in a public place. I tried to focus on my own thoughts and avoid his conversation, but it was hard not to listen in.
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Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 3
Where did this happen?
I am not a person who usually interferes when someone is talking. But, two weeks ago, I was at a public park when I overheard a stranger talking on her phone.
When did it happen?
I had just finished walking around the park and decided to sit on a bench. At that time, a girl was sitting on a bench just next to me chatting on her phone with her mother.
What was the person talking about?
She seemed to be explaining how to use the Flipkart shopping app to her mother. They were discussing clothes and outfits, which sounded like a fun conversation. It was interesting to hear how a young person was helping her mom with online shopping over the phone. The conversation got a bit interesting to me when the girl got a little frustrated, but she took a deep breath and continued talking. It reminded me of how children often help their parents with technology when they are not familiar with it.
Explain how you felt about hearing the conversation.
Though I felt a bit uncomfortable since I felt like I was invading the privacy of a total stranger, I was happy to see someone in this fast-paced generation being calm to help their old parent. Overall, it also reminded me of the importance of being mindful of where and how we talk on the phone in public places.
Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone IELTS Cue Card – Vocabulary
- Overhear
Meaning: to unintentionally hear what other people are saying.
Example: I couldn’t help but overhear their conversation while waiting in line.
- Nosy
Meaning: overly curious or prying into other people’s affairs.
Example: I try not to be nosy, but sometimes it’s hard to avoid overhearing conversations in public places.
- Disheartening
Meaning: causing someone to lose determination or confidence.
Example: It was disheartening to hear about the tone of the stranger’s conversation.
- Uncomfortable
Meaning: causing physical or emotional discomfort.
Example: I felt uncomfortable listening to the stranger’s conversation about tricking his coworker.
- Embarrassed
Meaning: feeling self-conscious or ashamed about something.
Example: I felt embarrassed to overhear such a private conversation in a public space.
- Interfere
Meaning: to involve oneself in a situation without invitation or necessity.
Example: I don’t like to interfere in other people’s conversations, but sometimes it’s hard not to listen.
- Frustrated
Meaning: feeling annoyed or discouraged because of the inability to achieve a desired outcome.
Example: The girl sounded frustrated while explaining the shopping app to her mother.
- Invading
Meaning: peeking into someone’s privacy or personal space.
Example: I felt like I was invading their privacy by listening to their conversation.
- Mindful
Meaning: being aware or conscious of something.
Example: It’s important to be mindful of our surroundings and how our actions affect others.
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Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone – IELTS Cue Card Part 3 Follow-Up Questions
- Some people like talking on phones on public transport, what do you think about this situation?
I believe, talking loudly on the phone in public places is not a good idea at all. It is also not polite behaviour and can be considered disrespectful to others around you. Additionally, it can disturb people who are trying to relax or concentrate.
- Would you like to love in a quiet place?
Obviously, I would enjoy living in a quiet place. It would be peaceful and relaxing, allowing me to calm down and stay away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
- Why do you think there are some people who talk loudly on public transport?
I think that certain people who talk loudly on public transport are usually the ones in their old age. They might do this because they might be having trouble hearing or because the noise around them makes it hard to hear the person on the other end of the line. Sometimes, youngsters also tend to do the same whenever they are having an exciting conversation!
- Do you think people misbehave to strangers?
Most people are polite and helpful towards strangers, treating them with respect and kindness. However, it mostly depends on how a particular person deals with others. If the other person tries to misbehave, then this person might also do the same.
- What can be done to people whose behaviour is terrible? Should you ignore it, or should they be told about it?
I think that if some people behave badly, it’s best to ignore them. Confronting them might make them even more upset and not listen to what we have to say. Those kinds of people might also try to blame others instead of admitting their mistakes.
Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On The Phone IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Vocabulary
- Polite
Meaning: showing good manners and respect for others.
Example: It’s polite to say “please” and “thank you” when asking for something.
- Disrespectful
Meaning: showing a lack of respect or courtesy.
Example: Talking loudly on the phone in a quiet space can be considered disrespectful to others.
- Concentrate
Meaning: to focus one’s attention or mental effort on a particular task or activity.
Example: It’s hard to concentrate on reading when there’s a lot of noise around.
- Hustle and bustle
Meaning: the busy and noisy activity of a crowded place.
Example: I prefer quiet villages to the hustle and bustle of the city.
- Strangers
Meaning: people whom one does not know or with whom one is not familiar.
Example: It’s important to be cautious when interacting with strangers online.
- Misbehave
Meaning: to behave badly or inappropriately.
Example: Children are often disciplined when they misbehave in school.
- Confront
Meaning: to face someone or something in a challenging or direct way.
Example: It’s not easy to confront someone about their behaviour, but sometimes it’s necessary.
- Admit
Meaning: to acknowledge the truth or reality of something, especially when it’s difficult.
Example: It takes courage to admit when you’ve made a mistake.
We highly believe that the given IELTS cue card topic ‘Describe a Time When You Overheard a Stranger Talking On the Phone’ with the expert-crafted sample answers would have been of much help. Practice more of the latest IELTS speaking cue card topics to grab a band 9 in your IELTS Speaking test!
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Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika Samanta
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