Describe a Time When you Learned Something New - IELTS Cue Card
This article is based on the IELTS speaking 'Describe a Time When you Learned Something New - IELTS Cue Card' topic
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In the IELTS Speaking section, one of the most common question types is the 'Describe a Time When you Learned Something New' Cue Card Speaking prompt. The IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card topics will prompt you to formulate a response and speak on the given topic.
To attempt this question, you must narrow down the essential questions on the given topic to answer within the given time. Consider the sample Cue Card below. So, this blog aims to help you understand the types of answers you should provide and the IELTS Vocabulary you should use to achieve an IELTS Band Score of 8 or higher!
Describe a time when you learned something new.
You should say:
- What you learn
- When this happened
- When it was? Who taught you?
- And describe how you felt.
Sample Answer 1
Trying out new things is always an invigorating experience. With the dawning of each day come an infinite number of possibilities to explore and learn things one is unfamiliar with. As for me, I am always curious to learn new things and expand my repertoire of knowledge. In this regard, I would like to talk about the time I learned something new.
Being a passionate artist, I decided to take up Art as a subject during my final years of school. As part of the curriculum, we had to learn to do textile-based work and I selected batik. Batik is an ancient, traditional form of wax-resist dyeing done to create interesting patterns on various textiles. This technique originated from the island of Java, Indonesia and now is popular all over the world.
Under my art teacher’s guidance, I started the process by creating a draft of the design I wanted to dye onto a cloth. I then sketched it out on a thin white cotton cloth. Once the design was done, I melted beeswax over a stove and started applying the liquefied wax using a paintbrush to cover areas of my design that I wanted to remain white. Then, I started preparing to dye it. Once I was satisfied, I shook off the excess water and hung it out to dry.A few days later, I covered the areas I wanted to remain red on my design with beeswax and prepared for my final round of dyeing. When I was happy with the richness of the colour and was sure it had covered my design well, I took out the cloth and let it dry. As it dried, I scrubbed out the wax using lemon, hot water, and a scrubber.
Learning to do batik printing was an interesting experience for me. It was unlike anything I had ever done before and was quite a cumbersome and time-consuming process. Nevertheless, the results were incredibly worth it and I was thoroughly overjoyed at having learned to do something as unique and wonderful as batik printing. Preserving traditional forms of art and craft is always important and I am glad I got the opportunity to learn the traditional printing technique and play a role in preserving its rich legacy.
Sample Answer 2
I believe that every day of our lives is a moment to learn something new. It can be something minuscule, like making our first cup of tea, or something life-changing like learning how to drive a car. Being a reclusive person, interacting with someone has never been my forte until I stepped into the adult world. I realized that unless I work on communication skills, I cannot flourish in any sphere. So, I decided to learn public speaking. Today, I am going to share my experience of the time I gradually mastered the skill of public speaking.
During my school days, my parents and teachers used to push me to speak up. But, unfortunately, all their efforts failed as I mostly kept to myself and talked with some very close friends. So, when I decided to move to another city for further education, my parents talked me out about the importance of public speaking in professional and personal life.
Therefore, I used the days between the exam and the result declaration to search online public speaking classes as I had limited time due to my college preparation. Consequently, I joined one of the courses offered by Coursera. Initially, the expert helped me overcome my hesitation of speaking through different activities like preparing and presenting PPTs. Gradually, I overcame the fear and got the confidence to communicate freely with others. During the course of the sessions, I learned about various great public speakers, mastered voice modulation, and it relaxed my body language.
Now, I can proudly say that I am a transformed person. Although I still have limited friends, I can express myself among strangers and other professionals adroitly. As we all know that words have the power to inform, persuade, educate, and even entertain, I have finally become adept in public speaking, making me a self-assured person.
- Minuscule
Meaning: extremely small; tiny
Eg: Ants are minuscule but hard-working creatures.
- Forte
Meaning: something that a person can do well; a strong ability
Eg: Rashika’s forte is storytelling.
- Talk (someone) out
Meaning: to discuss something such as a problem or plan completely in order to find a solution or an agreement
Eg: His parents talked him out of moving to a different country.
- Modulation
Meaning: a change in the style, loudness, etc. of something such as your voice in order to achieve an effect or express an emotion
Eg: If you master proper voice modulation, you can be a good orator.
- Adroitly
Meaning: in a way that is very skilful
Eg: Our manager dodged the disastrous decision adroitly.
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